LCD from a calculator

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New Member
Hi Iv got a old Casio graphic calculator that i was thinking i migth get the GLCD from. Does anyeone here know wheter it would bw possible to interface it to a pic micro??
If the display does not have a controller on glass, then you will have to generate the backplane a.c as well as the actual dot drive matrix, this will most likely require some glue logic to achieve the pin count needed.
It can be done, but I would think it easier, and perhaps cheaper, to just buy a decent sized display that suits your needs with a standard interface.

Well the LCD is mounted on a card that has 3 Chips and a LCD driver.
The three chips are as follows:
HD62076A02, MN4464S-08LL and HN62321BF Z53.
I will post picuters of this when i get home from work. The calculator is a Casio fx 7700GH calculator.
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