LCD as used in current tamagotchi

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New Member
Hey all -

I was at a childs birthday party today and I noticed he had a tamagotchi. I thought they were out of style but apparently they are still available although far upgraded now.

From what I could tell they used an IR transmitter to talk to another tamagotchi toy. I thought that was cool but what really was neat was the tiny LCD screen. It had a resolution of perhaps 32x32 - 64x64 pixels. It was not back lit nor particularly bright. It looked like the same type of LCD you would find on an old digital watch except it was comprised of tiny pixels.

I've searched around tonight looking for something similar and I cannot find it, I guess i don't know what I'm looking for really. I have found some LCDs intended to replace nokia phones and the like but those are color and far more sophisticated than what is in a 12 dollar toy.

Any pointers?

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