Well-Known Member
I recently looked into it, and learned that the US, China, Russia, India and many other powerfull nations have still not banned the use of landmines. I immidiatly wondered why we don't use ones that deactivate after a set period of time, but with a little more searching I found that we have passed a measure in the US to only use landmines that self deactivate, called non-persistant mines. There are exceptions of course, the main ones being that until 2010 they will still use anti vehicle landmines where deemed necesary, and will allow their use indefinitely in the no-mans land between North and South Korea. I wonder what the members of this forum think on this subject. The measure passed included a initiative to research further methods of making mines less likely to impact civilians while keeping them effective. There are proposed technologies, such as mines that can be shut off by remote, or require the presence of a signal to be active, or that emit a tracking signal, but obviously these features could be exploited by the enemy to shut them down. Off the top of my head the first thing that comes to mind is to add a tracking signal that starts when the mine is set to expire, even when deactivated a buried wad of explosive is surely not a good thing to leave laying around, and surely they would be easier to dig up if they emited a beacon, even a simple one that could be produced by a cheap device. What are your thoughts on this subject?