Just a question about the forum...

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Hi Guys,

I have posted a few attachments so far and no where can I see a way of deleting them.. probably blind but how do you delete attachments?

Kind Regards

Hi Guys,

I have posted a few attachments so far and no where can I see a way of deleting them.. probably blind but how do you delete attachments?

Kind Regards


My Account -> Miscellanious -> Attachments
Because you later realise they contain errors?

I know we've had problems with people editing and removing their posts after people have responded to them but that can be dealt with by warning them and banning them for a day, then banning them permanently if the do it again.
A forum is an historical record, why would you want to remove your posts?.

No, what I meant was is after the post can no longer be edited how do I remove attachments that are actually saved on the forum's servers? Sooner or later I will occupy a bunch of space with what amounts to old stuff. I figure there is a limit in there.

Now I have linked a few images to my own server space. Sometimes that works for me and for some reason sometimes it doesn't. My learning curve is at work on that note.

I never remove my post in a forum as it screws up the entire flow of a thread. There is nothing worse than reading along through a thread and then you start hitting "post deleted" wondering what was there.

Anyway, that is what I was getting at. Sorry if I managed to confuse it.


There is no limit, deleting atttachments would be as bad as deleting posts - it makes nonsense of the thread.

Now I have linked a few images to my own server space. Sometimes that works for me and for some reason sometimes it doesn't. My learning curve is at work on that note.

Post them HERE, posting them elsewhere just trashes the forums.
I'd say don't worry about it. EM will start removing old things if he needs space. That is the usual way of server administration; leave it up to the administrator.
There is no limit, deleting atttachments would be as bad as deleting posts - it makes nonsense of the thread.

Post them HERE, posting them elsewhere just trashes the forums.

Thank you so much Nigel. That makes for simple as I was worried about that. I figured one day I would go to upload an image file and discover I hit some limit of sorts. I just assumed there was some limit but never asked till this thread came along.

Much Appreciated
So if I come across a post/attachment I've made in the past and discover it's wrong what should I do?
Hero999 just a question, on the 6/4/2010 at 8.20pm my time you had 13731 posts. Now today on the 13/4/2010 at 8.10pm you have 14069 posts. That works out to 338 posts in that period or 2.011 posts per hour not counting sleep. Aint it time you went and got a job instead of infecting nearly every thread on this forum with your view of things.

No personal attack here I see a trend like old, where a forum member becomes a serial blogger and a member shouldn't be on 24/7 doing 2.011 posts per hour.

What ever happened to the quote ' GET A LIFE'

Cheers Bryan
No offence taken.

You're right, I'm sort of looking for a job but I should try harder.

Yes, I'm hopelessly addicted to forums, this isn't my worst posting spree, I'd made over 100 posts in 24 hours before.
I'm going on a PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) course next week so you can then expect my post count to return to the usual 9 per day, hopefully then I'll find something else to do.

I tried giving it up cold turkey for five months but that didn't seem to work, I still posted at Electronics Lab, although I wasn't anywhere near as prolific.

Call me sad if you like but helping people by posting on this forum is one of the few things I really enjoy.

To be honest, I have other problems, I've already seen a therapist but I was refereed to another therapist, then on to another one which I'm waiting to hear from.
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Hero, I understand forum addiction. Been there, done that. But if I am unhappy, giving into any addiction only makes me more unhappy. Might I suggest you replace your addiction with something else? Like get yourself a bicycle and get the hell out of the house. You'll get fresh air, exercise, and hopefully break your impulse to sit and post all day.

Just a suggestion from the heart.
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What forum were you addicted to?

You're right, the trouble is, I don't have many outside interests, I have tried but just the forum still seems to dominate.

I tried Jujitsu but I kind of lost interest in it.

I'm currently involved with Rotaract which is good but it doesn't draw my attention like forums do.

I'm having a go at helping out with the back stage electrical stuff at the local amateur dramatics club but it's early days yet.

I've tried doing some projects but for some reason, I find helping other's with their projects more stimulating than doing my own.

I used to cycle a lot when I was younger but I get fed up with getting punctures and getting a motorbike was the last straw.

Recently I've tried to keep fit by running a mile every day in the hope the exercise will help but it doesn't seem to be have stopped my addiction but I do feel better in general.

I don't know what else to try. I don't want to quit altogether but I'd like to do other things but I'm not sure what.
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