Is optical mouse LED same just a simple led

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have been fixing an optical mouse and conclude that either the sensor or red color LED must be replaced, so question is optical mouse led same the simple(st) LED ?
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Probably a no. A normal LED is designe to spread the light in a certain way. Same is for the LED in the mouse.

I'm far from an expert on LED so this is kind of speculative from my side. I'd expect that a LED for a mouse have a more narrower spectrum band since we want to avoid noise, and also I'll expect it being designed to spread the light in a certain way - again in order to avoid noise.

When that said, It is an interesting idea - to try see if a mouse will indeed work with a "regular" led as a replacement.
I don't even know how they work anymore. When they had slotted wheels and LEDs then I understood. Now, they're all optical and a complete mystery to me.

Wiki says,
"Modern surface-independent optical mice work by using an optoelectronic sensor (essentially, a tiny low-resolution video camera) to take successive images of the surface on which the mouse operates."

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