Is it possible to use Codevision AVR C source in AVR studio?

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Hi guy's

I wanted to some project. I found similar project code in Codevision AVR C. I am using AVR studio, can I use the same c program in AVR studio without any change. Code includes C source fiel, PRJ file and .hex file.

Program is written in C, I think it can be used with some modification, If that is the case then please guide me what modification it needs?

What is the difference between Codevision AVR C and Atmel AVR C compiler?

Please guide me…..thanks to all!
I dont know much about C or C++ but Ihave codevision and use it to test out small snippets of code like getting the data out of a string that is separated by commas. (String Tokeniser)

I find I can run it and get a result without uploading it to a board. When I get it right I copy it and drop it into the arduino IDE sketch wich uses avrDude.

The C++ code is the same I think , why would there be a difference ? If there is I'd like to know too.
Many things are different, as the codevision software has its own implemented compiler. in cv you can for example access all i/o pins bitwise by writng to and reading from PORTB.0 or PIND.6 for example. It also uses different laboratories etc etc.
I believe the only C compiler AVR Studio supports is AVR GCC Through WinAVR I believe.
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