IR heaters

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New Member
I need to connect IR heaters which need to operate with manual switch , every time when I turn on the heater it go to standby. I need to install few heaters in a hall, but it need to be operated with one switch not with remote controllar. Is there any possibility to operate with one timer switch . My question is when power turned off & turned on , heater go to stand by mode. Then I need the remote controllar to turn it on again. I have 10 Heaters in the hall. Any idea, or help.
So heaters all wired to same breaker, on/off switch ?

What is signaling needed to place heater in/out of standby ? Simple button on each
heater ? Or a logic level input.

Regards, Dana.
few points.
bypassing standby will prolly bypass thermostat control .... will need temp controller on main switch
dont bypass overheat protection sensor
installing a button auto press is possible but might be a bit of work to integrate and may look like frankenstine.

tampering a heater may void warrenty .. and void insurance claim if anything happens.

also 10 heaters is alot of power on the hydro line, will your circuit breaker/wires support that?
hack the button for each remote and solder in a one shot trigger circuit to button and duct tape near heater sensor.

or you could duct tape a servo to the remote to push the button on one shot trigger, but in my exp it is difficult to press a button with a servo and no proper mounting (3d printed).
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