You all seen those cheap copies of the I whatevers wireless chargers? Now supposing I have an acrylic square 5 inches square, with a low voltage pic in and a few smd Leds.
Anyone got an idea of the size of pick up coil I would need to power the pic and leds from the wireless charger? Total current from leds and pic is roughly 40mA. The idea is simply to power a colourless acrylic square while its sat on one of those chargers, apart from converters etc and maybe a JT, i was wondering what size coil to use near the base of the cube?
The coil will be roughly 5mm from the top of the charger.
I tried working it out and got brain fade! I would just try a few, except i am still in shock at the price of that clear acrylic!!! Nearly fell off my perch when i saw what it costs!
I have been asked to make 32 of them, they are a trophy for a primary school class competition. Obviously every kid gets one because being a competition, everyone wins....
Apparently kids feel bad if they dont do well, so they encourage them to be non competitive! Kinda counter productive, i did ask why they wouldnt let them loose, my reasoning being the more it hurts the less they are going to want to loose and the more effort in.
The look i got i thought she had misunderstood me and had asked if i could do inappropriate things to her with a pineapple.
Anyone got an idea of the size of pick up coil I would need to power the pic and leds from the wireless charger? Total current from leds and pic is roughly 40mA. The idea is simply to power a colourless acrylic square while its sat on one of those chargers, apart from converters etc and maybe a JT, i was wondering what size coil to use near the base of the cube?
The coil will be roughly 5mm from the top of the charger.
I tried working it out and got brain fade! I would just try a few, except i am still in shock at the price of that clear acrylic!!! Nearly fell off my perch when i saw what it costs!
I have been asked to make 32 of them, they are a trophy for a primary school class competition. Obviously every kid gets one because being a competition, everyone wins....
Apparently kids feel bad if they dont do well, so they encourage them to be non competitive! Kinda counter productive, i did ask why they wouldnt let them loose, my reasoning being the more it hurts the less they are going to want to loose and the more effort in.
The look i got i thought she had misunderstood me and had asked if i could do inappropriate things to her with a pineapple.
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