Inner voice

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What if those voices encouraging you to good things as just a positive form of schizophrenia or some other mental disorder normally normally associated with bad thoughts or actions?

Could they be the foundation or source of religious experiences or other phenomenon related to people being overwhelmingly compelled to do a kind act that not normally in their nature or best interest?

Red Dwarf positive virus theory. That is that one could assume there are positive viruses the have rather opposite effects to what are normally considers negative effect viruses.

Its just a theory my positive voices came up with!
(I personaly could care less.)

good point...
The Glenda Syndrome

Red Dwarf positive virus theory. That is that one could assume there are positive viruses the have rather opposite effects to what are normally considers negative effect viruses.

That's hardly science fiction. Virtually all viruses and bacteria and creepy crawlies are either benign or helpful. But, the few that aren't...Yikes!

I often have conversations with the voices in my head. I find that it gives me both an interesting and informative speaker and an intelligent and attentive audience. Quite refreshing, actually relative to most human encounters.
good point...

I agree that it is a good point. I also thought of two possible exceptions. What if the physiological cause of the voices or snoring was a mechanical vibration - such as the result of unconsciously stimulating the voice box or unconscious joint movements that produced waves - associated with the sounds that have been described, that was conducted through the body? However, I don’t know if these would qualify as sounds because I don’t know of the path of these waves to where sound is detected – and where on the sound detection mechanism they would have an effect.
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I think that is interesting. However, there may be different definitions of what constitutes a religious experience. I usually think of religion in a sense that involves a group of people or social interactions. This is probably too conservative of a view to really appreciate a religious experience that may be more personal in nature. But does an experience have to be recognized by others as religious before it can popularly or properly be considered something other than personal psychological phenomenon? I think that it is unfortunate that this may be the case. Still, in these cases, the neurological activity associated with the personal psychological phenomenon and the neurological activity associated with the social interactions reinforcing the view that the phenomenon is in fact religious might not be separate and result in effects that are distinct from the activity associated with either of these two active regions considered separately.

I'm not sure what the author of this post meant by self-controlled hallucination, but I think that it may have been a lot more profound then what I at first thought that it could. What - except coordination, about the human experience is not a self-controlled hallucination - even if it is to an extent a shared one? Maybe calibration too.
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I'm not sure what you mean by inner voice. Some things that come to mind are trying to think of many things at once, self-reflection, and what might be very quick changes in behavior - perhaps so quick that we do not recognize them.
When designing a circuit I 'see' the current flows and voltage variations in my head so maybe sound is the same?. I teach my students to go from the basics,(nuts and bolts) to the individual reactions/actions.

Look outside the square then square it.
I don't remember if it was at this thread, but I've heard the term feedback loop used before. I haven't been following tech_vaibhav_eee’s posts closely enough to know what was meant by inner voice. However, I imagine that thoughts that are recognized to be in human language might be consciously or unconsciously controlled internally as well as uncontrolled by external sources such as people or electronic devices. If internal communication – and what I mean by internal communication is the language that person expresses to themselves while they are or aren’t also directly expressing the same information to others, is involved in a feedback loop, then this feedback loop might be associated with other internal and external stimuli – such as visual perceptions of schematics, pc boards, other people talking, and maybe other internal stimuli such as hunger. One thing that I wonder about is how to measure how controlled the linguistic self-expression is. When is it practical for others to understand or even when it is practical for one to understand their own mental creations? I suppose everything can be practical given the right situation and amount – whether practical means self-awareness, a new way of conceiving of oneself in an environment, or just a confirmation that that the world is familiar. Maybe I shouldn’t be thinking about it practically.
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