Looking for suggestions regarding INCREASING high voltage on 10kv Briggs armature/ignition coil/Magneto, and getting DC. The Modern Magnetron (solid state trigger embeded) is not adjustable. The pre 1982 auto transformer type that uses points can have primary reworked. I had in mind an intermediate step up transformer to give >150 to 500v step up before entering regular magneto primary. The idea is to get approx 30KV pulse type AC so that with single diode output would be about 12kv DC. Mower voltage is considered negative, however there is overriding AC that must be fully eliminated by use of rectification . Half wave dc loses 60% of input voltage. I had added Neodymium magnets on top of the North magnet, for stronger field. My first measurement of Pulse ac dropped to 4kvDC from 10KV regular mower coil. Extra opposite polarity magnet added to flywheel for AC input , was also in mind to be able to use bridge rectifier for full wave DC, so as about 10KV DC output. The north pole magnet provides the energy to provide high volts, while inner flywheel 12 magnets provide DC for charging uses. The pre 1982 coils can use either Briggs separate trigger mounted (no points), or the Stens aftermarket trigger that uses primary volts to turn on. Positive or negative High volts is realized depending if coil is mounted upright or upside down. The primary with 1-8 volts gets temporarlly shorted, the resultant flyback primary negative 150 volts, then runs secondary based on the turns ratio. The tab side terminal is also a point on primary which was used to shut down engine, or for other uses as timing point.
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