IDE CD player through PIC

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Hey everybody I have success!

I sacrificed a CD ROM Drive to discover that it has no amplifier inside, so all you have to do is:

1. Find a few CD ROM Drives (not all of them will work)
2. Have them standalone (by themself)
3. Connect up amplifier (an absolute necesity) with speakers. Must have own power supply
4. Connect up 12v and 5V connections
5. Press play, hopefully it should work!

Good luck!
Also, very efficent headphones will work (Like the .1 amp headphones, mine cost 50+ dollars so grab good ones )
Problem is CD players are a dime a dozen, some cost less than a PIC.
Now a networked MP3 player like the Squeezebox was originally based on a PIC16F877 would be nice project. Too bad that 40x2 VFD display is $90
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