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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

I2C PCF8574, PCF8575 I/O expander I can't drive a pin to Output & High

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Well-Known Member
I've got a little I2C rig setup and I can communicate with an PCF8575
I can drive a pin LOW but cannot pull it high.
0x40,0xAA,0xAA turns every other pin low but nothing goes high.
Anyone else using this type of I/O expander.
Aren't they really strange? - pins are IN and OUT at the same time, and I 'think' that outputs are open-collector, so require pull-up resistors to work.
Is this what you are referring to?

4. Question: In the data sheet of PCF8575 it is mentioned that the Port output is HIGH
after power-on. In the data sheet of PCF8575C it is mentioned that the Port output will
be in 3-state condition after power-on. We found that there is no difference in the block
diagram and the simplified schematic diagram of each I/O. What is the condition of the
outputs after power-on?
Answer: There is in fact a small difference in the schematic diagrams for PCF8575
and PCF8575C. The PCF8575C lacks the weak pull-up in the form of the 100 μA
current source in the output I/Os. This is the reason that PCF8575's I/Os remain HIGH
after power-on and after being written HIGH. Without this current source, PCF8575C's
I/Os will be in high-impedance state after the initial strong pull-up transistor is OFF (it
is ON during the acknowledge phase).
Aye, well I haven't found any other revisions aside from C and D. Now I've got to check for pullups on NXT or TI rev D.

The PCA9555 is pin compatible and appears to have the resistors! Thanks Chippie.
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Aye, well I haven't found any other revisions aside from C and D. Now I've got to check for pullups on NXT or TI rev D.

The PCA9555 is pin compatible and appears to have the resistors! Thanks Chippie.

Ahh that's good..

I do have a use then?......:D
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