i want to make mp3 helpppp

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New Member
i want to ask you to help me am new in the world of pic
i want to make a project in these 2 month using pic18f4620
i try to begin step by step first to control media player and send to it for example a song and media player will make it play
and then if it works i try to make it by ethernet instead of serial port i want you to help me please i dn;t kno if it';s possible to make realy mp3 let it alsoo play the song i mean without the original pc
Can you be more specific on what you want going on? Is the PIC attached to a LCD and SD card? Are you talking about controlling windows media player using an interface to a computer? This is very hard and time consuming tasks either way, I can't see you doing this as a beginner in 2 months.
ok to be more specific i have a pic which is 18f4620 i thought to make like mp3 just sth to store songs and display them on lcd then when press play it will send song to the pc first i will try by serial port and then i will make the real player play the song and also i can load the pic with songs.

if serial is ok i will try the communication to be usb or ethernet to be like hardisk or mp3 on the network ....
is it a good idea or noo? please i want to you all to help me it's my first project and i want it to be creative
I would suggest something much simpler as it's your first project and you mentioned 2 months to complete it.
You'll need an external MP3 decoder IC for the PIC also serial will be very very slow for transfer music.

am not going to transfer the music while play it nooo i will wait till the music will move to pc then i will play it by media player. why the decoder?
i just imagine only serial will read what in memory transfer it serialy to pc so why decoder

the limitation is to use pic18f4620 soo i can't use the other one there is noo usp in this pic??????????
The 18F does not have the computing power to decode MP3 files. It could play WAV though. Like I said it'll take longer than a couple months.
It's your project and only you know what you're capable of. Google has lots and lots of ideas.
Are you a familiar with 18F programming?
am not familair but til noow am good dn't wory i want a creative idea u are familiar u knoow what to do by pic soo just idea
you are in a college?i mean i am at the college and the dr just expect sth not too easy and not too difficult aNd the system is to take the course and in the end of semester to present project you understand me
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