I need your help!

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New Member
I was assigned a new project. This is the content of it:

We have 10 LED, each LED has a switch. When no switch is pressed, each LED is light up in every second, for example,
- at time t LED i is on then at time t+1 LED i+1 is on and LED i is off

When switch i is pressed, LED i is on forever and the process above continues without LED i. In other words, at time t, LED i-1 is on then at time t+1 LED i+1 is on (LED i is ignore).

How can I design the logic circuit to implement the above project. I need your help!

well I assume you would use a series of transisters each one trigering the next with a delay circuite between them. I would just set up bypasses between the curcuits. For example led 1 is lit by transistor 1 sending electricity to the capacitor delaying the trigger of the next transistor, which triggers led 2 and so on. Each transistor hooked to a common voltage. To skip the one light using a switch not a key becouse that would take a little more work just wire the output to the next transistor after the one you want to skip. You must wire your last transistor to your first through a delay. after rethinking it you may need 2 transistors for each, the second on triggered by the first sending a larger voltage to your delay curcuit but i think i have just about everything covered here
You can also use an op amp if thats preferable you may also be able to use a one delay circuit. well i think that will work
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