I got an email from All About Circuits today.

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Some moderator suggested that I get banned because he didn't understand the joke in my last post. Now, they are using my email for their junk mail. I wonder if I am no longer banned?

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I got that email as well, it was in a semi-spam folder so I did not bother reading its contents. I'm sure it just went out to every email in their database.
I got that email as well, it was in a semi-spam folder so I did not bother reading its contents. I'm sure it just went out to every email in their database.

Probably true, I just assumed that, since they needed to protect their other members from me that they would certainly want to protect their advertisers from me as well.
I for one miss you there. I have to argue with the Trumpers, Ayn Randers all by myself.
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