i cant understand sum points in this TELEGAN law proof..

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the telegan law basically states that the total sum of power is zero.
my prof proved lik this:

we choose a node (a point where more then one currents come together)
and decide that the voltage on that node to be zero.
we designate the voltages on the nodes to be [latex]e_k[/latex]
[latex]J_k[/latex] is the current.

[latex]n_t[/latex] is the number of nodes.[/latex]
[latex]B[/latex] is the number of branches.[/latex]
each J that does not exist in the graph will be zero.

because by kcl

my problem iswhen he sums for all nodes
he uses
[latex]\sum\sum[/latex] sign which by me represents multiplication
of the sums

why not [latex]\sum+\sum[/latex],thus we can know that ist the sum of many similar equations.

but how he did it doesnt represent a sum
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