how would i generate HEX file for multiple assembly files?

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New Member
hi, i am using PICDEM 2 PLUS demo board ,PIC16F877 and MPLAB ICD2 when i bought the board, one demo program is included for the PIC16F877.

for the program, it has 3 assembly files and one linker file, i want to genenrate the HEX file. but when i only build one assembly file or i create one project file containing three assembly files and the linker file, some error messages will appeared.

what should i do to generate the HEX file?
What is the error Msg?
What version of MPLAB?

I have also had trouble in the past using more then one asm file, I just put it all in one.

But, if this came from microchip that way, it should work.
Use include "filename.asm" in the main asm file, it should then, according to my knowledge, automaticly include all the files you have included 8)
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