How to short a current sense resistor?

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New Member
Hey guys,

I'm relatively new to diving into electrical components (sadly I've soldered very few things in my life, graduating as a java developer) but I'm trying to figure out exactly how to short a current sense resistor on a graphics card (Nvidia gtx 680, if that matters). I've come across a guide that explains why it needs to be done, but really not how (outside of "solder to short it"). Can anyone give specifics as to specifically how I can short the current sense resistor? The guide I am referencing is here:

about half way down the page under "Power Limiter Modification"

Thanks for the assistance
When you say a wire over it, do you mean connecting the top and bottom of the resistor? Again, this is my first time

View attachment 65716

Either end of it - a resistor has two contacts, wire them together.

However, if you're struggling on something as basic as this, I would suggest you don't attempt that project which looks fairly complex to do.
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