How to make a Super Sesitive AM transiver from scratch

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Thanks everyone for the help. Especialy those who actually did help out, I think I'm finished with this website. I know now that almost nobody on this website has ANY knowledge on electronics, so much for it being called Electro Tech. Go back to school and learn some electronics before telling people your theories as fact.
They detemined that they would be able to recive from the device for another 50+ galaxies, but they would be unable to send to it.

The Sun is one of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
Even though their receivers are very sensitive, there is no way they could receive a very weak signal from the edge of our own galaxy, let alone 50 others.
The Milky Way Galaxy is approximately 100,000 light-years (9.5×1017 km) in diameter.
The distance between galaxy's is much greater.
What you state as fact is nothing but conjecture on your part.
Time to wake up to reality.
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Once my father, who worked on radio for the military big enough for you to stand in that were powerful enough to send a signal back to themselves by going around the world
Any amateur radio operator will tell you that it is not the power that allows signals to travel around the world.
I have heard echo's of my own signal (I only operate at 30- 100 watts)
Signals that go around the world do this by bouncing off of ionized layers in the upper atmosphere.
Without these reflections, you could have a station with great power and the signals would just go off into space.
Radio waves travel in straight lines, and unless reflected, could not travel around the world, no matter how powerful.
It appears that you have no concept of how radio waves propagate , and yet tell others that they do not know what they are saying.
I think it is time that you start taking the advice of people who do know what they are talking about.
The expert school-kid has a local radio station (?) with 0.5W.
The AM radio station near me (CFTR 680 News) has 50,000W. Its antenna is enormous.
My local FM radio stations have hundreds of thousands of Watts.

He says that "everything" transmits radio frequencies. HA!
while Tx can be looked after by you, please see the following link for Rx building blocks
perhaps the link might help you
**broken link removed**
T/Rx blocks can also be viewed fro here
**broken link removed**
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Woot! It works, If any of you wish to have the scematic, as I promised, kindly let me know and I will get it to you, as soon as I can get a program to draw out the scematic. Turns out, as I thought, the circut is very sensitive and you MUST place the components in the EXACT right spots, that is why along with the scematic, I will be giving photos at different angels of the finished prototype so as to make it easier to position the components. Thanks all agian for any help provided and I also MUST provide thanks in specific to my father and my Uncle for all the help provided. If you ever get the chace to read this, I know you both have very little time to put into such things and I'm glad you put as much time and effort into this as you have.

I'm so happy I finally got this thing working after 7 years of reasearch and development! Woot! If only I could share this feeling with you guys! I hope all your projects go off without a hitch.
I could say I told you so to all the nay sayers out there, but I'm good just knowing it works, and all this was not for nothing. Belive what you will guys, THis is Shukufuku Signing off (will check back for requests for schematic(would just post it here but I'd rather not give it to those who just want to tred on others dreams))
It is Nice to know that you have achieved what you want. and acknowledged the help from this site.
All the best
LOL, that is funny, except my project only READS the auditory construct part of the mind currently, so it won't broadcast anything into the brain.
Also, as I said, I won't be posting the scematic because I wish for you guys to belive what you will. Besides, the easiest way to hide a secret is in plain sight. (In other words, now I won't have to get it pattended as fast)
how about the inputs you might have taken from many without which, i fear the proj wouldn't reach this far!!
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You cannot patent baloney.
The people at the patent office also will not beleive that you have made a radio that picks up radio signals from somebody's brain.

We don't need to see your schematic. It is simple to design a radio circuit.
It's called Snake Oil.

The expression is also applied metaphorically to any product with exaggerated marketing, but questionable or unverifiable quality or benefit.
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I once read that the inventor of the laser was not able to obtain a patent because someone else already patented it, despite the fact they could not produce a working unit!
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