How get I²C working on pic16f73

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I am using a PIC16F73 and I have to send information to a display driver with I²C. I know that it is posseble but I don`t know how I can do it at the moment. I am programming with assambler. I have read the hole datasheet from Microchip from the PICF7x but can`t find how I can get it work.

Can some help me with how to get all the REG good and how to send bytes on the I²C bus.

Thanks for the link, some of the datasheets have got already. I have know almost all stuf you need to do in your REG but I still don`t see how you can send some bytes with I²C. (I am using RS232 to but that was not that hard just only some REG and then you put a byte in a reg and it will be send)

If some have some standard routines for sending bytes by I²C in assambler then please post it,

Take a look on the piclist
whatever you need, it's probabely there

dig around a bit...
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