how energy saver works

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New Member
dear friends
any body inform how energy saver works, with details with diagram this for teaching purpose


By energy saver, do you mean a switch?
Turn the switch to the off position; save energy!

Or, by energy saver, do you mean Compact Fluorescent bulbs?
Unscrew incandescent bulb, screw in compact fluorescent bulb; save energy!

Or by energy saver do you mean lowering the thermostat?
Turn down the thermostat; save energy!

Or by energy saver did you mean hybrid automobile?
Trade in your gas hog for a fuel efficient car; save energy!

My God man what do you mean?

Do you mean installing a corn burning stove for heat?

Do you mean insulating your walls and attic?

What is it?

How do You want to save energy?

Low flush toilets?

Led street lights?

How about removing extra weight from airplanes? That will save energy!

More public transportation? Will that work?

Maybe if we car pool!

Go Green! That's the ticket!

I know, it's nitrogen in our tires!

How do you mean "energy saver"?

Please be more specific.

I don't know what topic you want to discuss.

Should I turn off the TV when I leave the room? Is that important?

Do you want people to buy local foods?

Water our gardens in the morning?

Lower the temperature on our water heaters?
That will save energy!

Insulate the pipes?

Renewable resources?

Less oil?

Please tell me!!

How do we save the planet?

Clean my fireplace?

What is this magical device you speak of?

High efficiency furnaces?

Shun plastic bags at the grocery store?


Daylight savings? Was Bush right?

Change your air filter?

Is it geothermal? It's geothermal right?

I put window film on my windows, its easy I can show you!

Programmable thermostats?

Drive the speed limit?

I need to know!

Should I buy better appliances?

Wash my clothes in cold water?

Clean my lint trap?

Don't use the dry cycle on the dishwasher?

What should I do?

If I check the roast in the oven fewer times, will that save energy?

How about replacement windows?

Take shorter showers?

Mow my lawn less?

Are rain barrels the answer?

How can I save energy?

Please, friend tell me!!

Should I hang my clothes out to dry?

Add extra blankets?

Should I buy a ceiling fan?

Plant shade trees?

Or By "energy saver" do you mean the capacitor bank you put on the load center?
That's easy! Put a capacitor bank on your load center!

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Maybe he's talking about the "energy saver" for induction motors - like fridge motors, where they correct the power factor.
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I think he is talking about those energy saving light bulbs which supposedly save 80% of electricity. Cant find info on google though!LED's are way better
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To make this message 10 words long to approve the quote please read above...
To make this message 10 words long to approve the quote please read above...

I think this is called a parody, which is well deserved due to the lack of info provided by the op. Based on the question given, one can only speculate. I believe the point of this satire is to encourage the poster to be more clear in what he or she wants help with.

I suppose many of us have become cynical, but it comes with the forum turf I guess.

If someone post with such a lack of clarity, then the reader may assume in such a way and provide a similar response. If a serious response is wanted, then more attention in writing the post should be given.
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Sorry for my rant guys, I guess I was in one of those moods...

It always seems that one of the things listed above has hit the media as the "way" to save the planet and I get sick of hearing it.

When someone asks an obtuse question you get a blunt answer.
Third world lazy student energy saver - get someone else to do the work.

Yeah, but he left out what I think is the most likely answer - the one colin55 mentioned.
You mean the one I mentioned here?

Or By "energy saver" do you mean the capacitor bank you put on the load center?
That's easy! Put a capacitor bank on your load center!
Well he didn't say active or passive, matter of fact he didn't say much...

But I didn't leave it out
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hilarious particularly the "power cow" aparantly one of my great uncles tried that with a horse and did ahem... get singed
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