How do you read circuit board? or How could you draw circuit digram from a cicuirt bo

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Hi I have radio with cicuirt board inside it and I just want to try to make my own AM/FM radio. How can follow the cirucity board so I can do it with soildering wires together with an curcuit board.

How could draw an circuit digram from a board.

Is there any sites that teachs how to read an circuit
Even if it's a simple board trying to trace a circuit from a PCB itself is incredibly difficult. There are plenty of AM/FM radio schematics on the Internet already that you could easily find, finding these schematics will teach you nothing about how they work, you have to understand how the components function together. It's not like reading a book, it's more like understanding an alien language =) And it's not simple.
You need an electronics course. Or perhaps a good teacher who can teach you to go through the pressure of learning the baby steps of it.
Have tried this myself.

The most difficult thing is to get an ide of how the schematic should look like. To get this, it's often neccesary to redraw the entire schematic several times.
So an easy thing like a temperature sensor (type that hangs on bathroom wall) is a real headace to find out how it work. Espechially when the designers having fun and places resistors between Vcc and positive terminal on opamp. I guess it's a rare schmitt-trigger twist.

I wonder if some some circuit boards designers actually spend time to make it more difficult to read.
Seems like it I bet, but there's always a reason, even if sometimes it seems like a bad one. Between general circuit complexity and trusting CAD autorouters it's a nightmare to try to work that stuff out after the fact.
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