How did you guys like the new starwars movie?

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Oh yeah, the robot's voices were STUPID! The big robots, ya know, the ones that were kicking r2d2 in the beginning, they sounded like they hadnt hit puberty. it annoyed me!

And how did General Grievous (what a stupid name) survive in space with his guts just hanging inside of him?
Ive always wondered if it would be possible to survive in space for a few seconds before your blood starts to boil, if there wasn't the freezing cold.
Yeah, Natalie Portman's acting was poor, but at least she's nice to look at. The guy who played Anakin was a terrible actor. That whole idea where he's upset about not being made a Master...jeeez. And then he starts killing Jedi because Palpatine tells him to. What a joke.

The better of the three I suppose, but not worthy of being alongside the originals.

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