HI-TECH C and interrupts

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New Member
I am using TIMER1 interrupts to create a long delay with a PIC16F723A.

The C code is simple and it is similar to the example in the manual of the compiler (example in the manual is for TMR0).

52:                // Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
53:                void interrupt ISR(void){
   004    00FE     MOVWF 0x7e
   005    0E03     SWAPF 0x3, W
   006    00F7     MOVWF 0x77
   007    0804     MOVF 0x4, W
   008    00F8     MOVWF 0x78
   009    080A     MOVF 0xa, W
   00A    00F9     MOVWF 0x79
   00B    1283     BCF 0x3, 0x5
   00C    1303     BCF 0x3, 0x6
   00D    087F     MOVF 0x7f, W
   00E    00FA     MOVWF 0x7a
   00F    118A     BCF 0xa, 0x3
   010    28A3     GOTO 0xa3
54:                 if (TMR1IF && TMR1IE) {
   0A3    1C0C     BTFSS 0xc, 0
   0A4    28A6     GOTO 0xa6
   0A5    28A7     GOTO 0xa7
   0A6    28B8     GOTO 0xb8
   0A7    1683     BSF 0x3, 0x5
   0A8    1303     BCF 0x3, 0x6
   0A9    1C0C     BTFSS 0xc, 0
   0AA    28AC     GOTO 0xac
   0AB    28AD     GOTO 0xad
   0AC    28B8     GOTO 0xb8
55:                  TMR1IF=0;
   0AD    1283     BCF 0x3, 0x5
   0AE    1303     BCF 0x3, 0x6
   0AF    100C     BCF 0xc, 0
56:                  ++tick_count;
   0B0    3001     MOVLW 0x1
   0B1    07AC     ADDWF 0x2c, F
   0B2    1803     BTFSC 0x3, 0
   0B3    0AAD     INCF 0x2d, F
   0B4    3000     MOVLW 0
   0B5    07AD     ADDWF 0x2d, F
   0B6    28B8     GOTO 0xb8
57:                  return;
   0B7    28B8     GOTO 0xb8

Isn't the compiler supposed tp generate a RETFIE instruction (stack popped and GIE bit enabled upon return from interrupt)??
It should be evident in the disassembly listing generated by MPLAB, shouldn't it?

Any comments?
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I suspect that at address 0xb8 it will have the context restore and a retfie.

Yes, I found them.

I compiled a very basic program (only TMR1 interrupts) for the PIC16F628, so that I could use another application to get the disassembled code from the hex file.
Context saving and RETFIE instructions are generated correctly by the C compiler. After all I have always used interrupts with HI-TECH C compiler with no problems.

Not seeing them in the disassembling listing generated by MPLAB was quite confusing.
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And of course if that were hand written assembly, all you would've needed would be this -

		cblock		0x70

ISR		movwf		W_TEMP
		swapf		STATUS,W
		bcf		STATUS,RP0
		bcf		STATUS,RP1
		movwf		STATUS_TEMP
		movfw		PCLATH
		movwf		PCLATH_TEMP

		btfss		INTCON,T0IF
		goto		ISRExit

		bcf		INTCON,T0IF
		incf		tick_count,F

		movwf		PCLATH
		swapf		STATUS_TEMP,W
		movwf		STATUS
		swapf		W_TEMP,F
		swapf		W_TEMP,W

A lot less bloated than the compiled asm listing.
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Nigel uses timer 2 in his tutorial 10 (seven segment displays)
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