hex to bcd

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New Member
any one tell me is correct or not or any simplex logic for hex to decimal

i want to do 25 hex value into decimal value

1. i multiply 5*1
2.then multiply 2*16
3.add both the value

but this is simple for 2digit if iam going for 4 digit its very complicated .
if anybody know simple logic plz sent to me

thanks for response
the third digit you multiply by 256
the fourth digit you multiply by 4096

the pattern is 16^0 = 1

the pattern is 16^1 = 16

the pattern is 16^2 = 256

the pattern is 16^0 = 4096
I had this exact same question recently.

I needed to display decimal digits on a 4 digit 7 segment display. The C code I finalized on:

index = 4;

register unsigned short temp;

temp = val / 10;
display_digit( index, (char)(val - (temp * 10)));
val = temp;
index -= 1;

} while ( val > 0 );

/* Clear the unused part of the display.*/
while ( index >= 0 )
display_digit( index, 0x00 );
index -= 1;
This if the function i wrote. I store the decimal digit into an array. int n is the total decimal digit.

void convert_number(long int num, int *array[], int n)
long int remainder,quotient;
int i, j;

for (j=n-1;j>=0;j--)
if (!j) break;

assuming you are using a PIC, take look on the piclist (www.piclist.com). There are routines for BCD conversion in assembly with very low cycle count. They do not use division, ... so they will be lots faster then the C routines above.
Well, if you are looking for fast, here the ASM code for Hex to BCD with no division, but it's for the Z8e and I doubt it will help you.

							;The actual BCD conversion loop
	rlc	r3					;Shift oiver the LB
	rlc	r2					;Now the HB

	adc	r1, r1				;Multiply by two
	da	r1

	adc	r0, r0				;HB too
	da	r0

	djnz	r4, Int2BCD10	;All sixteen bits

							;Format and return the BCD
	ld		r2, 6(r15)		;Pointer to return array, usually 5(r15)

	ld		@r2, r0			;Store the HB, 1000s
	swap	@r2				;Reverse order
	and		@r2, #0FH		;Mask only lower nibble

	inc		r2				;Next digit
	ld		@r2, r0			;Store 100s
	and		@r2, #0FH		;Mask only lower nibble

	inc		r2				;Now LB
	ld		@r2, r1			;Store 10s
	swap		@r2			;Other order
	and		@r2, #0FH		;Mask only lower nibble

	inc		r2				;Point at 0nes
	ld		@r2, r1			;store ones
	and		@r2, #0FH		;Mask only lower nibble
Hex to Bcd for PIC16f877

Can anyone here give me the code to convert a 1 byte hex number to its bcd equivalent for the aforementioned uc?..i need it ASAP..also i would be thankful if the logic behind the program is mentioned..

PS: i need an Assembly language program and not a C-code..

Look here.
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