I have been asking random and sometimes incoherent questions, but this is my project almost fully described.
I have the circuit below already soldered onto a PCB.

This circuit is to be used for noise measurement in different transistors.
Presently, I have 4 different transistors ( 2 NMOS and 2 PMOS), the plan is to measure noise in these transistors at room temperature then at cyrogenic temperature.
Attached below are the schematics for 2 transistors.

Instruments I have:
Spectrum Analyzer.
I have experience in circuit analysis, and some basic electronics.
Any and every help would be appreciated in making this measurement.
As described above, I already built this board with all components on it, all that remains is connecting the transistors properly and making measurement.
I have the circuit below already soldered onto a PCB.

This circuit is to be used for noise measurement in different transistors.
Presently, I have 4 different transistors ( 2 NMOS and 2 PMOS), the plan is to measure noise in these transistors at room temperature then at cyrogenic temperature.
Attached below are the schematics for 2 transistors.

Spectrum Analyzer.
I have experience in circuit analysis, and some basic electronics.
Any and every help would be appreciated in making this measurement.
As described above, I already built this board with all components on it, all that remains is connecting the transistors properly and making measurement.