help with my project...

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New Member
The project goes like dis..

An alarm will start to ring at 7:30a.m.(5 sec ring) and after minutes(7:35) it
will ring again...
This will happen every hour after 7:30(8:30..8:35..9:30..9:35...)
until 12:30..12:35
After 12:35, it will ring at 1:00(same pattern above) until 8:00p.m.

How can I design this project?
What components will I use?


A micro-controller seems the obvious solution, the type depends on which (if any?) you are familiar with - personally I'd use one of the PIC range.
Any kind would do. It's best to use one you're already familiar with (if any).

If not, Then pic's are nice devices to look into.
wafumet_ng_SLU said:
What kind of micro-controller?

I'd probably go for the 16F628, an LCD text module, and either a hardware clock chip, or do the clock in software - the advantage of a hardware clock chip is it can be battery backed and run all the time.

All these parts are covered in my tutorials.
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