Help with EUSART on a 16f690

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New Member
Working on a project for school and I hit my first road block.
Im using the the 690 as an ADC and then send out the data over the TX pin (RB7) to an SD card (openlog).

Everything functions but the data I am getting in the txt file on the sd is unreadable.

I attached the txt file and my code. The code is a mess as I commented bits out to try new stuff instead of deleting.

Am I missing something? I have spent hours pouring through the internet and datasheets and I am more confused than when I started.

Thanks in advance
That's because SD cards use an SPI interface. You need to use the SSP port on the F690, not the UART.

You would connect the SD card as follows -

RC7/SDO ---> Pin 2 / Data In
RB6/SCK ---> Pin 5/SCLK
RB4/SDI ---> Pin 7/ Data Out

You also need to designate a port pin on the F690 to drive the Card Select/Pin 1 pin on the SD card.

Then you would set up the F690 in SPI master mode. Consult the data sheet of the F690 under the section "SSP Module Overview" to learn how to do this.
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First, I suggest you tidy and indent your code. I find,
void Decide(void)
//Assign the upper 4 bits of ADRESH to the lower 4 bits
//of LED_Output
LED_Output = ADRESH >> 4; //Shifts the bits in ADRESL 4 bits
//to the right
very hard to read.

I'd rather see,
void Decide(void)
	//Assign the upper 4 bits of ADRESH to the lower 4 bits of LED_Output
	LED_Output = ADRESH >> 4; //Shifts the bits in ADRESL 4 bits to the right
However, for such a simple routine comments aren't required. Especially ones that repeat what the code does.

What I also suggest is trying something like,
void main(void){
    Initialize(); 	//Initialize the relevant registers
        printf(i+0x30);	//send ascii "0" to "9"
    while(1);		//don't allow main to exit
and see if the file contains 0123456789.

Also, what exactly are you trying to log?


Hi Jon,

It's not just an SD card. It's one of these.

Its a text file....... It wont display binary values... first convert your ADC output to ascii....

Look at the output in a hex viewer..
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sprintf() is available (at a memory cost) , You create a file buffer and use the function to print to it... you the send that buffer serially to the logger.

char fileBuffer[20];
int acdVal;

sprintf(fileBuffer,"%d\n\r", adcVal);

// You now have a string called fileBuffer that contains the text you need.
This sends it out as a hex one byte at a time works ok But i'm not the best at Hi-tech C been playing

#include <stdio.h>
#include <htc.h>
#ifndef _XTAL_FREQ
 // Unless already defined assume 4MHz system frequency
 // This definition is required to calibrate __delay_us() and __delay_ms()
 #define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000

void init_a2d(void){
        OSCCON = 0B01111111;
	TRISA =  0B00000001;
	ADCON0 = 0B10000001;
	ADCON1 = 0B01110000;
	ANSEL =  0B00000000;
	ANSELH = 0B00000000;

unsigned char read_a2d(unsigned char channel){
        GO_DONE	=1;	// initiate conversion on the selected channel
	return(ADRESL);	// return 8 LSB of the result
void SetupUART(void){
     SPBRGH = 0;
     SPBRG = 51; //9600 bps
     TXSTA = 0x24; //8-bit, Transmission enabled, High Speed
     RCSTA = 0x80; //Disable Reception, Enable UART module
     BAUDCTL = 0; //8-bit, Auto Baud disabled

void SendUART(unsigned char dataValue){
		// output one byte  
	 while(!TXIF)	// set when register is empty 
         TXREG = dataValue; //Start transmission

void main(void){
	unsigned char x; 
	init_a2d();	// initialise the A2D module
	GIE=0;		// we don't want interrupts
 		x=read_a2d(1);		// sample the analog value on RA0	
		SendUART(10);      // and end of line and returns 
		__delay_ms(1000);  // delay

View attachment 61021
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