Help with C18 and Pointers

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Would appreciate some help with c ,in particular C18. I want to pass a variable to a function via an argument. The function would modify the value of the variable, BUT I don't want to just modify the variable inside the function, but the original variable itself, if you know what I mean. I believe I need to be using pointers, but lost on them. To simplify what I am trying to achieve consider the following.

Function foo simply accepts a int variable and changes it to 10 then could do some additional changes to variable j. The original variable is declared and then passed as the variable a, but I want the value of variable a to be changed every time the function foo process a change to variable j.??

void foo(unsigned int j)
//do something else
//do something else
void main()
    int a=1;

I think I need to be doing something like this using pointers but it fails to compile.

void foo(unsigned int *j)
//do something else
//do something else
void main()
    int a=1;
Reactions: 3v0
Surely you don't need to use pointers for that?
I haven't got a compiler up on this machine yet, but what would be wrong with something like this:
void foo(unsigned int j)
//do something else
//do something else
  return j; 
void main()
    int a=1;
    a = foo(a);
Hmm, it will change the value of j to 10, but not going to change the value of the passed variable a. a will still equal 1.
Sorry BBE you are right, thought you just copied my code from above. a=foo(a) would work, but it is not what I want to do.

*V gives you the value stored at the address contained in V
&V gives you the address of the variable V

I expect the line in bold is what you are after but I included the use of cptr for contrast. Or maybe just confusion.

char c;
char *cptr = &c;  // this means cptr is a pointer to a char at the address used by c, a pointer to c

void doIt(char* x)  // parm x is a pointer to a character
  *x='z';                   // set the char pointed to by x to 'z'

///////////////////////// Main ////////////////////////

void main()
  c = 'a';
[B]  doIt(&c);    // pass c's address[/B]
  c = 'b';           
  doIt(cptr);   // pass a pointer with c's address
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This is ok but see the next post
C18 uses pointers exactly as used in the "HowSTuffWorks" example.

They passed pointers to 2 parameters and I passed 1.
I know this can be confusing but it is not too bad once you get it. Let me try again in its most simple form. Lets look at the call first.

// In short instead of passing parameter myVar we pass its address &myVar.

void  doIt(char* localParm) ;  // function prototype

void main()
  char myVar;
  doit(&myVar);  // &myVar is a pointer to myVar (its address)

//because &myVar is a pointer to a char we write the function with that in mind

void  doIt(char* localParm) // char* means pointer to char
   *localParm = 'z';  // localParm's value is the address of myVar so writing ot *localParm is the same as writting to the myVar
Try any of these examples in the simulator and they should work.
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Maybe it would be better just to fix yout example in that you were nearly there.

void foo(unsigned int* j)
  [B]*j=10;[/B] //change what *j points to, rather then j itself
//do something else
//do something else
void main()
    int a=1;
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Thanks 3v0. Looks like I am on my way with your help. Pointers are one of those things that seem so confusing, but when you actually start to use them they start to make sense. Appreciate your help.
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