Whilst my circuit works online perfectly, the LCD won't even turn on irl.
The bullet points below cover basic problems that haven't solved my problem
- I've meticulously checked my wire connections, so that they're the exact same as online and securely connected, and bought the LCD already soldered (I think they're soldered perfectly fine).
- The Arduino is turning on, but no response from my LCD (except from when I removed the wire connected to the E pin and got small flashes on the side, or whilst I was checking the VSS and VDD pins I saw light flashes - so I THINK its a working LCD)
- The code works online, so I copy/pasted onto the Arduino app, downloaded 'LiquidCrystal' library for the '#include <LiquidCrystal . h>' bit. ( idk if it matters but I did it anyways)
My voltmeter is labelled 'B10k' so I'm assuming that means 10k ohms, like my online circuit, so I don't think its my voltmeter but idk, that could be it because...
I assume the problem is something to do with the backlights (I've toggled around the potentiometer and literally nothing happened) ?? Either that or connection issue, but idk how due to the first bullet point.
Soooo I'm stuck, I have no clue what the problem is, although this is my first proper use of Arduino so I'm assuming it's a simple issue I'm overlooking?
I've added pictures of my circuit (sorry for the messy wires - hopefully it should be easy to see it's the same as online) and a copy of the code, because at this point the problem could be anything.....
The bullet points below cover basic problems that haven't solved my problem
- I've meticulously checked my wire connections, so that they're the exact same as online and securely connected, and bought the LCD already soldered (I think they're soldered perfectly fine).
- The Arduino is turning on, but no response from my LCD (except from when I removed the wire connected to the E pin and got small flashes on the side, or whilst I was checking the VSS and VDD pins I saw light flashes - so I THINK its a working LCD)
- The code works online, so I copy/pasted onto the Arduino app, downloaded 'LiquidCrystal' library for the '#include <LiquidCrystal . h>' bit. ( idk if it matters but I did it anyways)
My voltmeter is labelled 'B10k' so I'm assuming that means 10k ohms, like my online circuit, so I don't think its my voltmeter but idk, that could be it because...
I assume the problem is something to do with the backlights (I've toggled around the potentiometer and literally nothing happened) ?? Either that or connection issue, but idk how due to the first bullet point.
Soooo I'm stuck, I have no clue what the problem is, although this is my first proper use of Arduino so I'm assuming it's a simple issue I'm overlooking?
I've added pictures of my circuit (sorry for the messy wires - hopefully it should be easy to see it's the same as online) and a copy of the code, because at this point the problem could be anything.....