Help ME!!!!!!!!!!!

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New Member
hey i have just started electronics and communication engg in india and i would like to know about some books on bjt mosfet and switching theory but i have one problem that i dont have the time to study really big books as we have a semester study and get only four months to complete five subjects that includes maths so please help me
So other than your fingers at the keyboard browsing the Internet for short articles on theory, you hope for me and the others to effort ourselves in order to provide you with sources of short length books and such? Yeah, we'll get right on it.
Right, there is enough time to search & find the forum but not enough time to google for BJT / MOSFET theory. My suggestion is: Don't worry about the theory, you won't be in the program for long.
Assuming that you are not a lazy sponge. You should get the biggest, baddest, thickest books you can find. You need to get by on two to three hours sleep if you want to get to the head of the class. It is the one way -- it is the only way. If you're not prepared to make the committment then withdraw from the program and stop wasting your time, and the instructor's time and the school's time.
Books? They are in libraries.
Aren't you in school or at a university? Don't the teachers and professors teach anything?
Why should we find little books for you?

Only 4 months for 5 courses including math? At my university, we have to take SIX courses and finish them in 4 months...and it includes at least two or three math courses with the rest being circuits courses...and I found time to study from big books. Maybe you should do your homework and study from your notes rather than big books?

4 months is a pretty standard get used to it. At my university a full schedule for eveyrone is 5 courses...except engineers...we have to take 6 courses.
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Once again, everyone gives the new guy a hard time... What is the deal here!

Hes seeking concise, clear explanations... not some long drawn out stuff. His request is not all that absurd.

If I knew where to point you, I would... All this talk of "you're going to fail..." blah blah blah needs to stop.

I thought computer guys had egos, I'm started to believe electrical guys are worse.
I suggest you try looking back at the long series of similar posts - people are getting rather heated about repeated requests by people who can't be bothered to do their own course work, and expect others here to do it for them!.
In my opinion, requesting suggestions for a good book is quite a bit different from requesting someone to do your course work.
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