Help converting to Gerber

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New Member
Hi Guys,

I'm trying to get a few boards made from one of the prototyping houses and they only use Gerber files, and the problem I have is I use ExpressPCB for all my design work, self etching 1 or 2boards every once in a while when I need them.

Now I want to get 10, or maybe up tp 30, boards for a project, but don't want to go thru the hassle of re doing it in some other program.

Is there a way to convert the ExpressPCB files to Gerber so I can transmit them???

Or will I have to re-do it in some other program
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ExpressPCB provides free but proprietary layout software which is limited to using their fabrication service. They don't give free software so you can go somewhere else for that. So good luck in finding a hack conversion program.

You likely will have to redo the layout using a program, such as Eagle, that generates Gerber files. The is free.
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