help automatic door project

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New Member
hi guys I am new to electronics but I want to do something fun and wanted to do a door for my dog I checked some premade doors and will be buying one if I cannot figure how to do it my self can anyone of you tell me some tips on how to do it, my idea is to have a sliding door that will open automatically when the dog gets near the door and close after a few seconds, was thiking on using one of those laser sensors, a motor and a small cicuit board to do the process, right now all I have is a mechanical door the dog opens the door and then with the help of a pully and some weights the door closes but really would like to transform it into an automatic power door

thank you all
If you use a PIR sensor you might probably have all neighbor dogs assembled in your house with the exception of yours.

A good way to keep other animals out and have your dog enter the house is a microswitch which is "dog-operated".

Dogs normally learn pretty fast and operating a switch is one of the easy ones.

I would put a small transmitter on the collar with a receiver that operates within a small radius that way it will only open for your dog and not would be robbers.
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