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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

HCF4017 Daisy

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Well-Known Member
hey guys i never in my life used a counter...HCF4017 (xxx4017) but i want to for a led sign board i want to make.

Im quite sure i can get one working no problem but i was wanted to know if someone can plain english word... tell me how to daisy chain it...

is it like ...

HCF4017(A) is chip 1, HCF4017(B) is chip 2. The Clock lines are tied together.
HCF4017(A).Reset = 0
HCF4017(B).Reset = 1
HCF4017.CLOCK (pulse 10 times)
HCF4017(A).Reset = 1
HCF4017(B).Reset = 0
HCF4017.CLOCK (pulse 10 times)

Is this the basic operation of 2 HCF4017 daisy chained? or is there a easier way since it does have a output pin.

Please help me out, thanks in advance.
hi atom,
Look at page 11 of this pdf, all will be revealed.

Hope the new job is working out.:)


  • hef4017b.pdf
    103.6 KB · Views: 612
Thanks kinda embarrassed since ive been out of the IC stuff for a while but it doesnt help me much.

How do i make that AND gate? I never did small stuff like that before. Would it be like 2 transistors?

Sorry to say im still lost lol

Also the job is good so far. Kinda boring but learning a lot. I just made my first order (discount on radio shack nambe brand items is 30% and non RS items is 10%)

Its kind of wierd that there home site is still TANDY lol
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Will i need a 4011 to do this? If so that kinda Sucks! excuse my language. I rather do it the way i stated. Software control. This way i dont need any other parts.

I can have a loop of [2][10]

LATAbits.LATA0 = 4017(A).RESET
LATAbits.LATA1 = 4017(B).RESET

    LATA = ~(1<<y) | (PORTA & 0x3F); //0x3F = 0b11111100

        //Pulse Clock
        //Delay here


This way it loops for both and selects. When reset is high its cleared.
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Just noticed!

Doing it this way i can keep all 10 Outputs!!! Meaning for a 20 Column x 7 Row display (4x 5x7 matrix) i only need 2 4017's and 1 ULN2803 or 1 ULN2805
was just looking around and though id ask this here since its perfect spot heh... would this be a ok AND Gate???


  • AND.jpg
    21.5 KB · Views: 335
An AND gate can be made with two diodes and a resistor to the positive supply at the output. The anodes of the diodes join at the resistor.
Each input is the cathode of a diode and if one is low then the output is low. If both inputs are high then the output is high.
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The first I met

Wow, Jason, what a different experience here...

My contact with anything digital started the day I was given two boards based on the CD4017 damaged by careless soldering. It was supoosed to imitate the Big Ben.

Next step was to get a multimeter, and a RCA CMOS manual to understand what they were and how they worked,

I was astonished when somebody told me: "look if the clock (!!) works". What clock...?!

Two years later, in a 16 days voyage from Curaçao to Argentina (LPG carrier), I read in full the Ronald Zacks' manual on the Z80.

Then, the 8052 with that nice BASIC and later the PIC 16C57.

The 4017 seemed to be in every design requiring a clocked sequence when micros were not so common as today.
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