half bridge circuit

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guyz can a half bridge circuit be used to control the motor in two directions using a single supply?? or is it necessary to use H bridge ?? or is there any way to control the motor using two transistors only with one supply plz guide me
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half bridge = one direction.
h-bridge = fwd/rev.
two transistors + relay = all directions??

go for the h-bridge
actually i wanted to use l293d as my driver but as it could not give high current i decided to amplify the current with transistors is that possible coz i want to use l293d and the current is upto 8A
I remember some articals in this forum relating to doing the same thing, using mosfets and transistors. use the search heading at the top of the page (mosfet H-bridge).
Also some other ic's may give that many amps for your application
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