H-bridge vs relays?

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So, what would be the advantages of using an H-bridge vs using just a simple forward driver and then relays for reversing a motor? An H-bridge seems somewhat complex, but using a couple of NO/NC relays seems simple (I'm sure the relays would have slightly longer response times, but generally probably not enough to matter).
With an H-bridge you may be able to apply braking to the motor, if that's something you need.

Personally, for something like a Robot Wars machine, I'd probably use a single-ended driver and a DPDT relay (no need to use two relays).
If you employ a pluggable relay, they are very easy to replace in case of an overload damages it.

And they will resist more abuse in the first place.
I've had a hard time finding pluggable relays for the right voltage at a good amperage rating.

Automotie relays (40A contacts, 12VDC). You can dual sockets basically pre-wired.
Most are missing the coil diode.

Two SPDT relays allow:
1. dynamic braking (motor windings shorted)
2. limit switches at the relay coil contact rating
3. No power draw when at the limit.
4. Positive or negative logic
5. truth table
relay A on, relay B on - brake
relay A on, relay B off - brake
Relay A on, relay B off - direction A
relay B on. relay A off - Direction B
6. Make the relays DPDT and you can get status: at limit A or at limit B
7. Add a bridge rectifier, a small capacitor, and some optoisolators, you can get a "Motor running" signal.

it's the power window circuit,
Ooh, I like that plan!
I suggest that you put resistors in series with the freewheel diodes if you are using relays anywhere near their rating, especially with motors as the loads. Aim for around 10 times the resistance of the coil.

That will limit the spike voltage to around 10 times the supply voltage. Obviously the transistors that drive the coils need to be rated for that, but the peak value is quite well known. Without the resistors it could be much higher and would depend on all sorts of factors.

The reason is to make sure that the relay turns off quickly. A freewheel diode without a resistor can mean that the contacts open slowly, which can lead to excessive arcing of the contacts.

You don't actually need the freewheel diode if there's a resistor in parallel with the coil. The advantage of no diode is that it's one less thing to worry about, and it doesn't matter which way round the resistor / relay is connected. The disadvantage of no diode is 10% extra power used when on.
Freewheel diode? Is that the reverse-biased diode I put in parallel with the motor to help it slow down and not bust the electronics?

Way to bury the lead ...

I think 100 V, 80 A power MOSFETs will cost much less than contactors rated for 80 A ***DC***. Plus, the drive power is trivial compared to the coil current. Plus the long-term reliability will be much better.

Digi-Key power MOSFET, 80 A min., 100 V min. start ar $1.21 each in ones. At 1.75 each, power dissipation at 40 A is less than 0.5 W per transistor, and only two are on at a time. Basically, the cost is so much less than a DPDT 60-80 A contactor that you can overdesign the hell out of it and not come close to cost parity.

Note: At these power levels, the NC contacts of a SPDT or DPDT relay often have a lower current rating then the NO contacts, because of the contact pressure provided by the return spring pushing the armature is lower than the pressure caused by the coil pulling the armature.

Freewheel diode? Is that the reverse-biased diode I put in parallel with the motor to help it slow down and not bust the electronics?
I was meaning the reverse biased diodes in parallel with the relay coil.

It's a good idea to have some suppressor device in parallel with the relay coil, so that when the transistor that feeds the relay turns off, the magnetic energy in the relay coil has somewhere to go. Without anything, there can be a large voltage spike which can damage the transistor.

A diode is very effective at reducing the voltage, which will only be about 1 V, the forward voltage of the diode, when the transistor turns off. However, with only 1 V across the relay coil, the current in the relay coil will only reduce slowly. If the current is only reducing slowly, the relay may only open slowly, which can cause more arcing of the contacts.
Maybe the answer is just buying a motor controller from Amazon or something and then figuring out how to wire it up to a micro controller.

Ah, did not realize that's a thing, but it makes sense.
You know what, what I said earlier about 48V and 40A is actually the wrong project, I confused myself. 18V (so probably 24V rated relay), and probably not more than 20A, maybe peaks of 30 but probably just 20A continuous would be enough.
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