H- BRIDGE OUPUT 0v whenever i connect my transformer to it

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New Member
pls i need help on my diy sine wave inverter project. i am designing a 3kva 36V sine wave inverter , i am using spwm @16khz on left bridge and 50hz on right bridge : here comes the problem when i connect my transformer across my bridge it eats up the AC voltage i get 0VAC but with 2,2k resistor across i get 15VAC to 21VAC it varies also i get a small DC voltage of between 2-4.5VDC across the bridge pls can someone tell me what is wrong ? should i even be getting DC voltage across the bridge. i need help!
Clearly R4 need to be increased. .....sarcasm

We need much more information. schematic!
Right now the only thing we know is:
i will draw out my schematics and update as soon as i can but could this be my problem too? https://www.electro-tech-online.com/threads/meeting-a-trouble-in-my-pure-sine-wave-inverter.141662/ because my boost transistors(tip41c,tip42c) always get hot while testing ,but my mosfets run cool at the resistive load,i an using ir2110 mosfet driver
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