Well-Known Member
RE Project Guidelines
This part of the forum is for finished RE projects where members can access the data. Please remember everything contained in this forum is open source so the general idea is feel free to use the projects for personal use.
If however, you want to use the projects contained in this forum for commercial reasons please ask first as the members who wrote the software may want compensation if their software is to be used.
The projects forum is set to Read Only for members, only the member whose project is in this forum can be edited by the member. The whole idea behind is each project will be kept free so only the project details are displayed. If other members want to reply it is recommended a new thread in the RE forum be started and any improvements can be moved into the project thread in the projects forum.
Regards Bryan
If however, you want to use the projects contained in this forum for commercial reasons please ask first as the members who wrote the software may want compensation if their software is to be used.
The projects forum is set to Read Only for members, only the member whose project is in this forum can be edited by the member. The whole idea behind is each project will be kept free so only the project details are displayed. If other members want to reply it is recommended a new thread in the RE forum be started and any improvements can be moved into the project thread in the projects forum.
Regards Bryan
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