guidance required with Arduino code for model rail signals

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Are you aware of the JMRI system?
That's a free model rail control system that supports signalling and sections etc., and can work with low cost / DIY interfaces such as the MERG CBUS modules.

(Not knowing what your aims are - an end result, or building your own devices?)
Welcome to the board and congratulations of posting such a comprehensive thread and question.


With all the i/os you need to use , the Mega board might have enough , but even if you have enough memory with the smalller boards like the Uno or Nano, you can use one or more of the MCP23017 I2C 16 bit Port Expander chips, very easy to use with the many libraries around.

The Arduino Forum members, like any, can sometimes be dismissive about beginners basic points, but do not let that put you off using that site, even if its just for looking rather than posting, as it contains a lot of good info.

Still find this Reference page very handy -
The Arduino Forum members, like any, can sometimes be dismissive about beginners basic points,

In my experience, the Arduino Forum members are not just dismissive; many of them are rude, arrogant and less use than a chocolate teapot. I've been there several times looking for help and got nothing more than abuse.

I'd take up crotchet before I'd go back there again ! A waste of good web space !

I can do very basic sewing.

I can re-attach buttons which usually remain attached for a reasonable length of time.
I can also sew torn fabrics and previously sewn "joints" in fabric which have come apart through age/use.

At this point I should emphasise that a competent needle worker may look at my work with the condescension that I may look at someones first solder joints.


Damn, I intended to post this in the "sewing thread".
(Pun intended)
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No thread drift at all, trains to stitching perfectly normal. Guess both follow a track.

Sorry to the OP.

Just an update on the LEDs taking up to 10 seconds to completely extinguish....

This happens on my PC, but on my laptop it's instant.

So I guess my pc is "getting old and infirm".....
Do you think it might be because pins 14, 15, 16 don't exist ?


Musicmanager.... correction to my earlier claim about pins 14/15/16.

Although 14/15/16 works on the online simulator, in the real world it's 54/55/56.

No idea why the simulator accepts 14/15/16 but the real world is 54/55/56, but I couldn't get it to work on my "Chinese" fake-Mega unless I used 54/55/56.
Do you think it might be because pins 14, 15, 16 don't exist ?

Musicmanager, just an update..... I could get the code to work on the simulator, but not on my "Chinese" Mega, until I realised that whereas A0-A7 can be designated 14-21 on the simulator (running an Uno), I had to designate them 54-61 on the Mega.

Now working perfectly.

I love making mistakes because I always/sometimes/usually/never learn from them. (delete as applicable lol)
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