Graduation Project Ideas Discussion HELP!!!

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New Member
I've thought some ideas after some research here are some of them:

1- NFC based car unlocker and enginer starter using NFC tags and connecting car's electricity to an arduino MCU kit to control it (Prof. Refused car application but didn't hate NFC concept)

2- NFC based attendance counter, meaning when a student enters the classroom or lecture hall he must has an nfc tag that he puts close to an arduino kit having an NFC shield and when its activated the NFC shield and Arduino kit recognizes the student and update the attendance list on its own (Haven't yet been proposed to my prof.)

3- Okay, this is a weird idea I don't know if its applicable, say you're in public transportation and want to use your laptop or watch something private, you wear glasses thats connected to whatever device that you're using and you can only see what is being displayed on your device that is in your pocket or on your lap, its not going to be glasses obviously it will turn into an awfully uncomfortable face mask but its something i thought of (Haven't been proposed yet)

4- This is a security based one that is kind of really short for a graduation project, basically its an application that a mother or a parent can use with its children, when she calls and no one picks up, the child's cell phone camera turns on so that the mother can see where he/she is, I don't think its very reliable since the phone can easily be in his/her pocket and GPS already replaced that (Haven't been proposed yet)

5- This is one proposed by my gf, a strap you wrap around containers, pots or cups, glasses that detects temperate, volume of the contents inside the container and gives warning when it reaches the temperature you need, it is simple but clever

6- Street Lamps intensity autocontrol depending on capacity of people/cars in the street, don't know if its new but it is not very applicable in most countries.

Thats all, My criterea that my prof. asked us to follow is that the project must be helpful to society and is creative and unprecedent since he only accepts projects that go forward to enter IEEE contests and engineering fairs in my country

I want opinions on the proposed projects and advices on which would be doable and which isn't because I haven't done a project in which I create on my own so I don't have much experience on how will the project develop in the future and whether I'll be able to finish it or not.

Thanks in advance
Yours Wall-ED
Give yourself a pat on the back . It's encouraging to come across a student who has actually put some thought into possible projects. Too many who post in this forum expect us to suggest projects!
As your prof requires all projects to be novel and creative I suggest that, before you decide on which project, you should search through patents to see if the projects are indeed novel. Many national and international patent collections are freely searchable online.
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