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GOOD looking PWM LED candle

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Well-Known Member
after seeing other LED candles I wanted something that looked REAL, not just on n off leds.
I left the orginal code in but added //
to change the flicker just change the value of the subtraction of RandomVal
Device = 18F1320
Clock = 8

Include "IntOSC8.bas" 
Include "RandGen.bas"
Include "Utils.bas" 
Dim TMR2IE As PIE1.1,         // TMR2 interrupt enable
    TMR2IF As PIR1.1,         // TMR2 overflow flag
    TMR2ON As T2CON.2,        // Enables TMR2 to begin incrementing
    Signal_Pin As PORTA.0     // Signal output to frequency meter
Dim Red_Pin As PORTB.0,
    Green_Pin As PORTB.1,
    Blue_Pin As PORTB.2,
    Red_Duty As Byte,
    Green_Duty As Byte,
    Blue_Duty As Byte,
    Red_DutyVal As Byte,
    Green_DutyVal As Byte,
    Blue_DutyVal As Byte,
    RandomVal As Byte
Dim uS As Word,
    mS As Word           
   // ranval(1)as word
Interrupt TMR2_Interrupt()
    Save(0)                   // Back up system variables   
    If TMR2IF = 1 Then        // Check if the interrupt was from TMR2   
        TMR2IF = 0            // Clear the TMR2 interrupt flag
        uS = uS + 50
        If uS >= 1000 Then
            uS = uS - 1000
        If Red_DutyVal > Red_Duty Or Red_Duty = 0 Then
            Red_Pin = 0
            Red_Pin = 1
        If Green_DutyVal > Green_Duty Or Green_Duty = 0 Then
            Green_Pin = 0
            Green_Pin = 1
        If Blue_DutyVal > Blue_Duty Or Blue_Duty = 0 Then
            Blue_Pin = 0
            Blue_Pin = 1
    EndIf                     //
    Restore                   // Restore system variables
End Interrupt
Private Sub TMR2_Initialize()
    TMR2ON = 0                // Disable TMR2
    TMR2IE = 0                // Turn off TMR2 interrupts   
    PR2 = 149                 // TMR2 Period register PR2
    T2CON = %00000001         // T2CON 0:1 = Prescale
                              //        00 = Prescale is 1:1
                              //        01 = Prescale is 1:4
                              //        1x = Prescale is 1:16                                 
                              //      3:6 = Postscale              
                              //     0000 = 1:1 postscale
                              //     0001 = 1:2 postscale
                              //     0010 = 1:3 postscale...
                              //     1111 = 1:16 postscale
    TMR2 = 0                  // Reset TMR2 Value   
    TMR2IE = 1                // Enable TMR2 interrupts
    TMR2ON = 1                // Enable TMR2 to increment
End Sub
// Start Of Program...
Red_Duty = 30
Green_Duty = 0
Blue_Duty = 0
Red_DutyVal = 0
Green_DutyVal = 0
Blue_DutyVal =0
uS = 0
mS = 0

RandGen.Initialize(128)       // Initialize the Random Number generator
TMR2_Initialize               // Setup and enable TMR2
While True                    // Create an infinite loop
    RandomVal = RandGen.Rand  // Grab a random number from 0 to 255 
    // Select RandomVal         // Find out what colour to increase/decrease
        //Case 0 To 42
             Red_Duty =RandomVal-5 
                //mS = 0
             // (Red_Duty)=Rand(1)
               // Repeat
               // Until mS = 19
               // and Red_Duty>0
           // endif
        //Case 43 To 84
            If Red_Duty > 0
              Then  mS = 0
                Until mS = 19
       // Case 84 To 127
             Green_Duty =RandomVal-20 
              //Then  mS = 0
              //  Repeat
              //  Until mS = 19
              //  Inc(Green_Duty)
           // EndIf
       // Case 128 To 170
            if Green_Duty > 0
              Then  mS = 0
                Until mS = 19
      //  Case 170 To 212
             Blue_Duty = RandomVal-30
             // Then  mS = 0
              //  Repeat
              //  Until mS = 19
              //  Inc(Blue_Duty)
           // EndIf
       // Case 212 To 255
            If Blue_Duty > 0
              Then  mS = 0
                Until mS = 19
any suggestions or tweeking is appreciated
I try

the original code link was posted by be80be
I just majorly edited it.
just kept plugging away, trying LOTS of different things until I hiton using RandomVal then subtracting from it.
BAM it works
just needs a little clean up and tweeking.
I owe most of my programming to be80be and Pommie as well as others on this site as well as
**broken link removed**
hopefully someday I will grasp the whole meaning of all this code.
MrDeb That's what i'm talking about the looks real good you get your Pro badge tomorrow
in the mail great job. You got flow now. I like it.:D
Thanks all

just change the -5 to -25, it looks better (a better flicker)
now to get back to the critter ridder.
I got a code that will compile but havn't actually tried it out.
I will be looking for that pro badge in the mail
Hey be80be have you tried seeing this code in action.
I only have 3 blue LEDs but maybe tomorrow will try for a red, bkue and yellow LEDs anmd a styrofoam cup
I tried it the Red_Duty led works real good the blue and green don't work but it would
make a candle with the red led just need to get blue and green to work
WHY don't the blue n green work??

I have LEDS on pins 8,9,17,18
the pins 8,9,17 are the ones I have to come on.
if you can't get all to work then your worrying me.
hopefully there is not a problem with my code??
keep me updated.
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