Going from BASIC STAMP to PIC, which programmer/software?

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Worked with my basic stamp 2 and wrote my program within a few hours and got eveyrthing working just as i wanted. Looking into writing the program for a PIC microcontroller now, as I will need to make several of these devices. (basic stamp is expensive....duh)

I'm confused with the large amount of pic programmers and software packages out there.

I'm looking into getting a serial programmer bundled with the MELabs Pic Basic Compiler, its $179 @ rentron.com

Would like to spend less, but ill spend more if its gonna be worth the investment, however my program is so simple it doesn't justify making a huge investment unless needed.

Which package would you suggest? particular software?, any programmer?

Simple program, only usues 7 I/Os
since it is a simple program , i assume you would use the 16F series .
i would recommend , MPLAB , ASM program , and JDM programmer (very cheap )
you may look at the stickys.
AKG said it right..

You have picked the cheapest way. Or you can buy the MELabs standard basic for $99, and get a programmer kit and build it, download winpicprog from Nigel

OR, just get the programmer kit, download winpicprog and MPLAB, and re-write it in assemble (save $99).

Those are the options, since Basic stamp probably does not give you a .hex file. I think it is onboard interpretted thing... But not sure, never bought one.

Does MELAB have a trail? Will it handle your program. Might want to check that.
This programmer will not disappoint. It's a great ICD2 clone that should be compatible with all future PICs. I got really tired of my old programmer not supporting new PICs but these uses Microchip's own support update software. And people swear by ICD too.

Really I would suggest C. Microchip MCC18 specifically. Could also recommend HTSoft PICC18 too. MCC18 is free though the free version has some of the optimizations disabled. These only work with PIC18 chips, but the PIC18 series is just great.

So in short, $99 for the best programmer made, free software, spend the extra $80 from your budget on PIC18 chips.

The olimex ICD2 clone is on my list. But my thought was realtime debugging via ISP cable and programming next. Does it work well for as a debugger?

Nigel's program winpicprog got my P16PRO40 working on XP pro, so I cheaped out. I used to write asm/compile on XP machine them move to 386 DOS machine to burn. hehehe.. Did not do a lot of PICS, I have the STK-500 and use Atmel the most.

But I want the best of both now.
mramos1 said:
Those are the options, since Basic stamp probably does not give you a .hex file. I think it is onboard interpretted thing... But not sure, never bought one.

You are correct, a BASIC Stamp has an interpreter in the PIC, so there's no HEX file as there's no actual PIC programming going on - it's why they run so slowly as well!.
Ok think i'm getting clearer on things now. I'm pretty good with C but BASIC seems to be pretty friendly also. I think I wana stick with the BASIC Language

What exactly does the WinPicProg do? write the program to the PIC micro through the programmer?

And the other software packages mentioned are just editors to write the source code and compile it?

Ive been trying to play with some software demos before buying, however most don't seem to work on my Windows 2000 Pro laptop, I have another laptop with Win 98, but the screen is damaged so I was steering away from that platform, but it can be used. (wrote the Basic Stamp prog on the damaged laptop)

I recently ran across OshonSoft.com's PIC Simulator IDE, only $19, i emailed them and they say that their package will be able to do everything.......develop program, create hex file and write it with most programmers. This has been the only package to work with my Win 2000 Pro Computer
I really have to agree with Oznog, nothing beats the ICD2 or its clones.

As for the language, the lower level, the more you will understand the chip, and the way it works. Basic is an easy way to start, but the problem is when you get into difficulties, you will have a much harder time figuring it out.
I think Microchip (the makers of the hardware!) have produced a C compiler only for the 18Fxxx and dsPICs for a reason. And their student (free) compiler is good, even after a couple of months, when the optimization feature shuts off. You would learn the most about using these micros by starting in Assembly, with the free Microchip tools, even if you only spend a month or two, and build a few projects. Then you can decide about a higher level compiler. I've heard PicBasicPro is pretty good at producing small code, but for some reason I think most C compilers produce smaller code than a BASIC would give you. Also, some would argue that C is closer to the hardware than BASIC. Perhaps, if you really want to stick with BASIC, then use a 'free' tool for a while, and try out several, before spending your cash.
Best wishes,

P.S. Why don't you visit the Microchip site, **broken link removed** and take a look, or download the MP Lab. It has all the tools to build your hex file in a very easy to use Integrated Development Environment. Yes, the WinPicProg software will burn your hex file to the micro, once you have assembled it.
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Olimex ICD2 is a top notch programmer. Supports everything, and it's REALLY fast. You use MPLAB's programming software too. Only downside is that it has no programming socket, you need to use ICP or just build a socket wired into the programmer's ICP socket.

HTSoft did make a compiler for PIC16. I hear it doesn't work as well since PIC16 isn't as C-friendly. I suspect it's probably not BASIC friendly either, but if you're not asking for a complicated job you don't notice it.
if you are good at C , then the plain english like self explaining 35 asm instructions of the 16F series will look like a piece of cake . just download the MPLAB from microchip, datasheet of 16F628A (buy a 628A), ckt of any programmer (look at sticky) , and see how simple it realy is!.
You write the code and same as .asm file , compile it using mplab to get a .hex file, load it in winpicprog which along with the programming hardware, program the PIC ,.... and run...

I just recieved MEL PicBASIC standard. It is a Stamp like BASIC from what I can figure so it might be OK for you. It is a lot less money, but I have learn in 1 hour. I wasted my money. The PRO version is what I wanted.

You can not do the obvious IF ENDIF, only IF THEN (THEN is a GOTO), You have to lookup register, for example, to flip CMCON on port A (DEFAULT IS ANALOG) to use it for DIGITAL I/O you must do it manually with an equ (Symbol) and a Poke (mov) command, and the help file is then same on the IDE for both versions, so very confusing, you will spend 10 minutes and go, OH, that is a PRO ONLY option.

If I must get out the datasheet to look up the registers. Nigel, you are right, just learn assembler. If not up for assembler, then buy the PRO, the standard if just gonna frustrate the heck out of me.

If I want to write in BASIC, I do not want to have to pick up the datasheet.
OK after a day of calls, emails, post reading....I think i have decided on the

USB programmer, that has a ZIFF socket (which i will mainly use) and supports ICSP incase i need it down the road. (i sure i could have found a cheaper programmer but I have found the USB units highly recommended)

I don't wish to learn assembly at this point......
I have found PIC Simulator IDE from https://www.oshonsoft.com/pic.html to be somewhat understable and affordable at less than $50 for the license.

My progamming needs currently only use:
if then endif
for next loops
making pins high and low for specific durations via WaitMs
and using Write to store variable data in the longterm memory
program currently only needs 2 inputs and 5 outputs

seems to get it.....
ill use MPLAB to build the .asm file generated by the PIC Simulator IDE software as the programmer only works with MPLAB, ...(just to insure compability....tested and seems to work fine)

Sound like a plan folks?
i'll be working with the PIC 16F628A for my simple programming needs
I'd really strongly recommend sticking with the ICD2. It's not much more expensive, though the lack of a built-in ZIF is annoying.

WHo needs a ZIF when all you have to do is run 2 pins out two a plug?
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