GLCD problem with PIC & MicroBasic

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New Member
I am using Graphical LCD 128*64 connected to PIC 18F452.
I am going to do as oscilliscope, it means that I have analog signal and drow its graph in the GLCD.

I am using MicroBasic V.2

I have Many problems and Please I need your advice:

1- Font size for the text: the texts are not displayed since I have problem with the font instuction

so I am writing this code:

Glcd_Set_Font(dim font_address as longint, dim font_width, font_height as byte)

so my problem is exactly with: dim font_address as longint where this I have to use @systemfont5*8 or anything else
so can you give me a hint about this because the complier is reporting an error with this statment and there is no good example in the Help.

2- I am doing the analog to digital conversion 8 bit resolution with internal ground ref. and 200 Hz smapling frequncy. so how can I display the signal?

I mean if I am going to read the results of the conversion and siplay it directly how can I play with the time divition??
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