I been developing a project that needs a microcontroller. Due to temperature constraints, the pic16f630/676 is very suitable. I used to program with JDM and ICPROG a pic16f877 for former projects.
Unfortunatelly It doesn't work for the PIC16f630. So I have built a SERCON2 programmer which is very similar to the JDM. I need the PROGPIC2 which supports SERCON2 and the PIC16F630. I have tryed several times to download the PROGPIC2 from the developer but apparently the server is down.
Have any of you got a copy of PROGPIC2?
I will appreciate your help.
I been developing a project that needs a microcontroller. Due to temperature constraints, the pic16f630/676 is very suitable. I used to program with JDM and ICPROG a pic16f877 for former projects.
Unfortunatelly It doesn't work for the PIC16f630. So I have built a SERCON2 programmer which is very similar to the JDM. I need the PROGPIC2 which supports SERCON2 and the PIC16F630. I have tryed several times to download the PROGPIC2 from the developer but apparently the server is down.
Have any of you got a copy of PROGPIC2?
I will appreciate your help.