Hello there,
Why these code getting an error when i do to compile, and what is wrong there :
Can some one here help me.
Why these code getting an error when i do to compile, and what is wrong there :
device = 16f88
@__config _config1, cp_off & ccp1_rb0 & debug_off & wrt_protect_off & cpd_off & lvp_off & boden_off & mclr_on & pwrte_on & wdt_off & intrc_io
#Define i2c_sclout On
all_digital = True
TRISA = % 11111000
TRISB = % 11100000
OSCCON = % 01101110
'ANSEL = $ 00011000
declare LCD_LINES = 2 'LCD 4 Line
declare lcd_dtpin = PORTB.0 'LCD Data Pin
declare lcd_interface = 4 'LCD Data Pin 4
declare lcd_rspin = PORTB.4 'LCD RS Pin
declare lcd_enpin = PORTA.6 'LCD EN Pin
declare adin_res 10
declare adin_tad frc
declare adin_stime = 100
Can some one here help me.