Assuming it's a tripler, and it's full wave, you'd need 6 capacitors.
Lets say the input is 100Vac, so the output would be 300Vac
My question is:
For those capacitors, would they all need to be rated to 300V? or just the last one? Or for that matter, would three 100V caps work?
(I know it isn't best to work @ max voltage, but for the sake of trying to figure this out...that's what I'm using in the example)
Lets say the input is 100Vac, so the output would be 300Vac
My question is:
For those capacitors, would they all need to be rated to 300V? or just the last one? Or for that matter, would three 100V caps work?
(I know it isn't best to work @ max voltage, but for the sake of trying to figure this out...that's what I'm using in the example)