Fish Feeder Idea...Help Regards

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Hello Dan

This is the hex file I already get. Its working 100%.
Congratulations and well done.

To go a bit further with this example I would like to mention that there are at least 8 places in the code that are style bugs in how the statements are written.

Let me explain what a style bug is and why this is an important concept.

A style bug occurs when the syntax used in a statement is inconsistent with other similar statements in the same project.

Style bugs do not usually cause the application to fail to work properly. The problems that they cause are in the mind of the developer when projects become large. In a small project, like this one, inconsistent style is no real problem. In larger projects with hundreds of files, tens of thousands of lines of code and multiple developers then consistent usage of style is essential to maintain sanity.

When anyone starts to learn how to develop code it is important to experiment with various styles then adopt the style that helps you create clear and consistent code for the computer language you will use. When working with a group there needs to be a style guide that all group members approve of and will use consistently.

So for additional credit find at least 8 statements where I used correct but inconsistent syntax or formatting.

For even more credit add comments, in any language you are most at home with, that clearly and concisely describes how this example code works. Warning: This is something of a trap because I used an advanced technique or two when implementing the Timer Zero interrupt service routine. When you understand the HOW and more importantly the WHY of the choices I made for this implementation you will have learned a lot of important things about the PIC12F675 Timer Zero hardware.
Hi Dan,

But I dont understand some syntax.
A style bug occurs when the syntax used in a statement is inconsistent with other similar statements in the same project.

How to and where to use the correct syntax used in a statement is inconsistent with other similar statements... Its much difficult to me.

But I will try to learn........I will keep It in my mind what you like to teach me.

Thank you so much Dan.
But I don't understand some syntax.

How to and where to use the correct syntax used in a statement is inconsistent with other similar statements... Its much difficult to me.
In matters of style the notion of good or bad is based on experience. Often this experience is that of the person judging the style, in other cases it can be the collected experiences of many people.

At present you may not have enough experience to have formed a useful sense of what style could mean in this context.

This is my code with comments of where I went wrong in the style of the code I created:
    list n=0, c=150, r=dec
; File: main.asm
; Target: PIC12F675
; Created: 2018-02-23
; Author: Dan1138
;                          ___ ___
;                   VDD ->|1  U  8|<- VSS
;                  LED1 <>|2     7|<> LED3
;                  LED2 <>|3     6|<> LED4
;                  SW1n ->|4     5|<> LED5
;                          ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
;                         PIC12F675
;  If the switch is Press and hold (My timer output is enable for 1 Minute minimum) either Press, all LED will be ON.
;  After 1 Second, LED 1 Turn Off,
;  After 2 Second, LED 2 Turn Off
;  After 4 Second, LED 3 Turn Off
;  After 6 Second, LED 4 Turn Off
;  After 8 Second, LED 5 Turn Off.
;  (5 LED is used for Manual Timer selection for the Motor will Enable..)
; See:
    #include <>
    ERRORLEVEL -302         ; Suppress warning: Register in operand not in bank 0.

; BUG 1: LED defines not used should be removed
;#define LED1 GPIO,5
;#define LED2 GPIO,4
;#define LED3 GPIO,0
;#define LED4 GPIO,2
;#define LED5 GPIO,1

#define SW1n GPIO,3

ISR_DATA    UDATA_SHR  H'20' ; 0x20 ; BUG 2: Inconsistent syntax use H'20'
WREG_save       res 1
STATUS_save     res 1

IntsInOneSecond res 2
Seconds         res 1

RESET_CODE  CODE H'000' ; 0x000 ; BUG 3: Inconsistent syntax use H'000'
    goto    Start

ISR_CODE    CODE H'004' ; 0x004 ; BUG 4: Inconsistent syntax use H'004'
    movwf   WREG_save
    movf    STATUS,W
    movwf   STATUS_save

    btfsc   INTCON,TMR0IE
    btfss   INTCON,TMR0IF
    goto    ISR_Exit
    bcf     INTCON,TMR0IF
    movlw   D'256'-D'250'+D'3' ;256-250+3  ; BUG 5: Inconsistent syntax use D'256'-D'250'+D'3'
    addwf   TMR0,F
    movlw   -1
    addwf   IntsInOneSecond,F
    addwf   IntsInOneSecond+1,F
    goto    ISR_Exit
    movwf   IntsInOneSecond+1
    movwf   IntsInOneSecond
    incf    Seconds,F

    movf    STATUS_save,W
    movwf   STATUS
    swapf   WREG_save,F
    swapf   WREG_save,W
    btfsc   STATUS,RP0
    goto    OscillatorCalibrationFailed
    banksel OSCCAL
    call    GetOSCCAL
    movwf   OSCCAL
    banksel ANSEL
    clrf    ANSEL
    clrf    TRISIO
    movlw   B'11011111'
    movwf   OPTION_REG
    banksel INTCON
    clrf    INTCON
    clrf    GPIO
    movlw   H'07' ; 0x07 ; BUG 6: Inconsistent syntax use H'07'
    movwf   CMCON
    movwf   IntsInOneSecond+1
    movwf   IntsInOneSecond
    clrf    Seconds
    clrf    TMR0
    movlw   D'256'-D'250'+D'3' ; 256-250+3  ; BUG 7: Inconsistent syntax use D'256'-D'250'+D'3'
    addwf   TMR0,F
    bsf     INTCON,TMR0IE
    bsf     INTCON,GIE
    clrf    GPIO
    btfsc   SW1n
    goto    AppLoop
    bcf     INTCON,TMR0IE
    movwf   IntsInOneSecond+1
    movwf   IntsInOneSecond
    clrf    Seconds
    movlw   B'00110111' ; LED1-5 on
    movwf   GPIO
    bsf     INTCON,TMR0IE
    movf    Seconds,W
    xorlw   D'1'
    goto    LED1_off
    xorlw   D'1'^D'2'
    goto    LED2_off
    xorlw   D'2'^D'4'
    goto    LED3_off
    xorlw   D'4'^D'6'
    goto    LED4_off
    xorlw   D'6'^D'8'
    goto    LED5_off
    xorlw   D'8'
    sublw   D'8'
    goto    WaitForButtonUp
    btfsc   SW1n
    goto    AppStart
    goto    AppTimeout
    btfsc   SW1n
    goto    AppStart
    goto    WaitForButtonUp
    movlw   B'00010111' ; LED1   off
    movwf   GPIO
    goto    CheckSwitch
    movlw   B'00000111' ; LED1-2 off
    movwf   GPIO
    goto    CheckSwitch
    movlw   B'00000110' ; LED1-3 off
    movwf   GPIO
    goto    CheckSwitch
    movlw   B'00000010' ; LED1-4 off
    movwf   GPIO
    goto    CheckSwitch
    movlw   B'00000000' ; LED1-5 off
    movwf   GPIO
    goto    CheckSwitch

OSCCAL_CODE CODE H'3FF' ; 0x3ff ; BUG 8: Inconsistent syntax use H'3FF'
Hi Dan..

I mean I dont know what is movwf, movlw, skpc, goto etc..... Its difficult to me... No Idea about these type of syntax and its use.

I am just an Electronics Hobbyest. Not no anything about programming
I mean I don't know what is movwf, movlw, skpc, goto etc..... Its difficult to me... No Idea about these type of syntax and its use.

I am just an Electronics Hobbyist. Not no anything about programming
Everyone starts out just like you. You also have the advantage of learning to communicate using written English. That is so much harder than PIC assembly language. Today an electronics hobbyist will eventually get involved with writing code. It is impossible to avoid now because micro-controllers have replaced most of the special purpose circuits we used in the old days.
Hello Dan...

In the above programme, How to change the OFF time to 5,10,15,20 and 25? It just for a curiosity....

I try Much time, But no Idea. Think This is the part I need to Change... Is it?

movf    Seconds,W
    xorlw   D'1'
    goto    LED1_off
    xorlw   D'1'^D'2'
    goto    LED2_off
    xorlw   D'2'^D'4'
    goto    LED3_off
    xorlw   D'4'^D'6'
    goto    LED4_off
    xorlw   D'6'^D'8'
    goto    LED5_off
    xorlw   D'8'
    sublw   D'8'
    goto    WaitForButtonUp

[code end]

Regards Manoj
Just curious about how much time you spent when you "try Much time".

Two days ago you posted that you "I mean I dont know what is movwf, movlw, skpc, goto etc.....", for me it took a lot more that two days to understand what statements in assembly language do and how to use them.

I think that you may need to be more familiar with assembly language programming before you will understand the answer to your question.

My best advise is to try it and see what happens.
Hi Dan..
Really I tried and more time spend with MPLab.
Try mean edit the previous code that you already given.

Thank You..
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