Feeling very pleased with myself

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Well-Known Member
I just made a little punch to create extruded holes in steel sheet!
I drilled a 3.5mm hole in a thick bit of steel to act as the die, made a point on a 2.5mm bit of bar to act as the punch, used a little roller from an old printer to go inside the die to make a centering device, it has a spring underneath to hold it up.
Drilled a 1.5mm hole in my bit of steel (0.5 or 0.6mm thick), put the point of the punch through into the die, whacked it with the hammer a few times - ta-da! Extruded hole, slightly wonky. Did a few, Was able to tap them with a M3 tap, or screw in a thread-forming screw. Screw able to be tightened properly.
Not unlike some commercial ones I have, only they use a nut/bolt to pierce the sheet.
Nice bodging.
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