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feeling like a outsider

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i am jokeing around alot today but i dont feel jokey inside, i feel outside of every thing, i had alot of mates in devon but i grew up with most of them, but even then just before we left i felt outside of the group i like different things to most the people my age, they all like xbox and playstation i get bored on it really quick and want to look inside it! they like football i prefer soldering to watching football.
its worse at my new school i dont know many people everybody is really nice to me but i dont have friends as such as i dont have anything in common with most, the non nerds think i am a nerd and the nerds think i am strange as i dont wear glasses dont talk posh and like girls, most the nerdy lot like xbox and pc's but no one really likes electronics!
i like fishing and have been with some kids from school in the summer but we could only talk about fishing as soon as i mentioned electronics there eyes glazed over, as soon as they talked football my eyes did!
i dont feel like i belong anywhere but on my own in the workshop or the school science lab. is kind of lonely being me but at least i got all of you as friends
thank you
I wouldn't worry about it, just do what you enjoy doing and don't try to be like the rest of the "sheep" to fit in.

You are who you are and by being individual, you will be interesting to the people who matter :)
Ha ha!!! welcome to our world.. I was happiest pulling stuff apart in my " repair and modify " mode...
The good part is, When you leave Uni ( If you go, I don't see why not ) You'll have a good job and more money than them.... He who laughs last!!!!
I still see some of my former school, so called "friends", And I have faired a we bit better than them... You'll see in time.
And girls / beer / fast cars etc are a distraction from your studies and experimenting - lots of time for those distractions when you've got your qualifications ;)
I was like you years ago.

I put it to my advantage by using my skills to fix peoples car sound systems for what became very easy money to me!
Many of us have felt like you. Some of us still do on cold days.
I now can go back and talk to my old college mates.....Most of the 'popular' kids felt that they did not have friends, did not fit in. lol They worked very hard to make friends. (most of their time) The reason they worked so hard is that they inwardly felt the world was against them. I think many of the 'pretty people' have a hard go in part because they set their goals (having friends) so high. From a nerd's point of view, these pretty people have such a perfect life.

above all else; to thine own self be true
thanks, sometimes it just feels like i am the odd one out! and something is wrong with me. i dont like beer so thats not a distraction, fast cars i would like to take apart to see how they work or convert to wood gas for a laugh, girls are a difficult one cos they got bumpy bits i like! girls seem to like me but i am a bit shy with them so dont often have a GF and so far havnt got anywhere near the bumpy bits:oops:.
as for study, i like that i enjoy reading books even if i dont understand alot of whats in them, i love to learn new stuff and try and learn at least 4 new electronic things a day even if they are small things
Don't worry about being shy with girls, just treat them as equals, be friends with them and anything that develops in a relationship will be more natural. Above all, never pick a fight with a girl as they don't fight fair ;)

All the best relationships (including my current one - I've been with the wife for 12 years now) have been when I haven't been looking for a relationship - it's just happened.

Enjoy being young and learning - lots of time for messing about with bumpy bits later on in life and you'll love beer in a few years :D
Don't worry about being shy with girls, just treat them as equals, be friends with them and anything that develops in a relationship will be more natural. Above all, never pick a fight with a girl as they don't fight fair ;)

All the best relationships (including my current one - I've been with the wife for 12 years now) have been when I haven't been looking for a relationship - it's just happened.

Enjoy being young and learning - lots of time for messing about with bumpy bits later on in life and you'll love beer in a few years :D

Excellent advise :)

You basically described my feeling at your age. Trust me it gets better as an adult!

As far as everyone else goes you may be surprised in the future as to how well of your social status was and you never even knew it. I was that way. I felt like the odd person out but looking back and talking with the people I grew up with apparently I was way more liked and respected than I ever knew.

Trust me when it comes to the girls stick with the quiet no attention drawing type. They are the fun ones that will help you learn about the bumpy naughty bits n stuff without all the drama, hassle and social BS! :joyful:

(Believe me they feel just as odd and out of place and curious as you.) ;)
There are more things to life than electronics. Probably, watching football is not one of them. How about playing some? Soccer teaches you good things, such as playing as a team, gives you some exercise ... How about golf? You have so many good cheap golf courses over there. Will teach you how to play it as it lies, how to call penalties on yourself ... Perhaps while doing these things you meet someone you like. Will help you with electronics too. If you give yourself some breaks, your brain will work better, especially if you spend time outside, breathing fresh air.
There are more things to life than electronics. Probably, watching football is not one of them. How about playing some? Soccer teaches you good things, such as playing as a team, gives you some exercise ... How about golf? You have so many good cheap golf courses over there. Will teach you how to play it as it lies, how to call penalties on yourself ... Perhaps while doing these things you meet someone you like. Will help you with electronics too. If you give yourself some breaks, your brain will work better, especially if you spend time outside, breathing fresh air.

Sorry LG.

From the sounds of it, Dad gets him outside plenty........doing chores:p

I remember my father doing a lot of that........ go do this and when your done with that, do the other thing. Hurry up and don't be late for suppero_O

I wish I had spent more time learning, I didn't realize looking back the trade off was not a good one, I have so much catching up to do. All the kids that were Technically "Nerds" I alway's respected and admired. I just didn't know how to talk to them.

Yes, I had friends. Still I alway's felt like I was the odd one out. Everyone, at that age feels that way. It's just that some cover it up better than other's. No big deal, you will grow into it, just like everyone, eventually.

Give it time, it will all be worth it.

Started out just like you. Was perfectly happy with that.

But, then, had to deal with higher education, the Navy, marriages (yes, plural), children, a real job...

So how to survive and thrive? Keep what you're doing now, if not as a vocation, at the very least a persistant hobby.

All the rest will fall into place.

Thus, in retirement I am, once again, just like you. Just older. :cool:
thanks to all, today was just one of them days! i get sad this time of year, and hearing what people my age want for xmas just hammers home how different i am to alot of them. most cant understand that i actually enjoy learning and reading they do it because they have to i do it because i like to know stuff and to learn! i do get out alot, before the summer we had a farm now we dont but we have 20 acres and i help out alot with mum and dad. i like doing outside stuff with dad like cutting firewood and fixing the tractor or cutting the field with a topper, i help with the sheep (not allowed near the pigs), so i am not always inside but i am often alone because i just dont like the stuff other people like!
anyway way past bed time again!! but thank you all
thanks to all, today was just one of them days! i get sad this time of year, and hearing what people my age want for xmas just hammers home how different i am to alot of them. most cant understand that i actually enjoy learning and reading they do it because they have to i do it because i like to know stuff and to learn!

We all have those day's, your not alone:)
Then watch, the girls will do stupid stuff like this one: They decided to put a padlock on my locker. Well, I decided, that that wasn't a good idea, so i took it off and put it on their's. What I didn't know was, they now had the key inside of the locked locker.

They did not admit defeat and got the school staff to cut the lock off.

Me, I just found some free time and went into the school's machine shop and fabricated a key. I had more fun. I knew that lock inside and out, so making a key from a coathanger was easy.
thanks to all, today was just one of them days! i get sad this time of year, and hearing what people my age want for xmas just hammers home how different i am to alot of them. most cant understand that i actually enjoy learning and reading they do it because they have to i do it because i like to know stuff and to learn! i do get out alot, before the summer we had a farm now we dont but we have 20 acres and i help out alot with mum and dad. i like doing outside stuff with dad like cutting firewood and fixing the tractor or cutting the field with a topper, i help with the sheep (not allowed near the pigs), so i am not always inside but i am often alone because i just dont like the stuff other people like!
anyway way past bed time again!! but thank you all

Uhhh... That brings back memories. :facepalm:
I grew to hate santa as I went through school. Supposedly the good kids got good presents and bad kids didn't. BS and then some. I got crap for presents from santa and way too many of the little sociopathic lying stealing brats I went to school with got loads of high end stuff from santa. :mad:

The point is follow what you believe inside to be true and do your best to never let the things that the common people do or get bother you. What your life turns into someday latter will far outshine theirs. It may take 20 more years to appreciate what you did today but some day you will see where not following the common crowd pays off! :D

Go ahead and ask for that O-scope and 5 1/2 digit multimeter for christmas instead of an X-box and iphone or whatever. You will appreciate what you learned from them for years to come! Especially when you get into your junior and senior years in high school and you start raking in the big bucks fixing the popular kids broken stuff! :p
mum and dad give us a limit of £200 at christmas, mostly i want books this year.
Save something for the Art of Electronics, 3rd. edition by Horowitz and Hill. It is expected in May/June 2014. BTW, if you search it, you will come across a lot of scams. You know, the sort of places where yo are promised a free download of whatever you search for in exchange for a credit card number "just be be sure" you are a real person...

That book is not yet available. The second edition (1989) still is available, but is obviously dated. Authors are often late on doing revisions, but those two guys get the record, maybe next to the Bible. ;)

i have the first edition (its my most cherished book) alot of it is only now starting to make sense since asking stuff on here. i didnt know that there was a second edition!! i will search amazon! those type of books i like in paper and kindle or pdf! i will put 2nd and third edition on my list (big chunk of budget gone lol)
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