Extra NI Multisim Libraries?

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Hello everyone, I've been using Multisim 12.0 at uni for my course. I like it, apart from the lack of component libraries. I wouldn't usually mind but it doesn't have a CD4026 which I use a lot or even a 555! Are there any downloadable libraries that include "blocks" of components? Someone suggested the component editor included, but I don't know the models to use and don't really fancy making more than a few parts.

Thanks in advance
I know it is a pain to learn a new one, but you might look at LTSpice. There is a lot of help here for it and there is a Yahoo users group with a lot of models. Many manufactures provide Spice models for their parts.
I'll have to give that a look, I've heard it mentioned a few times. Hopefully since it has a user group it'll have the models for the more obscure CMOS parts I need, even though I don't think the 4026, 4047 or 4046 are particularly obscure parts... Thanks for the heads up
The CMOS library has been post here a couple of times so it would probably work for you -- and it's free!
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